Smart Clothing

Image Courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Silver is the Best Thermal Conductive Element, Creating Comfort!

Silver is the best thermal conductive element, creating comfort!  Silver's thermal conductivity accounts for a great benefit provided by fabrics that are made with silver containing yarns and fabrics.  This property is measured in Watts per meter per degree Kelvin, W/M°K.  The high thermal conductivity of Silver is due to its electron configuration!  Silver's electrons are are "loosely held" due to its low nuclear charge.  This allows them to move more easily, resulting in efficient energy transfer.  The energy transferred...
Metalized Textiles in Smart Military Uniforms!

What is Resistance Heating, What are its Applications?

What is Resistance Heating and What are its Applications?

Resistance heating is heat generated by an electrical current passing through a resistor.  The heat comes from electrical energy being converted to thermal energy.  There are many applications for Resistance Heating:  Aeronautics, Automotive, Military, and Smart Clothing industries to name a few.

How is Resistance Heating Used in the Aeronautics Industry?

In the aeronautics industry, resistance heating is used for de-icing the wings of aircraft in inclement weather.  If the leading edges of airplane...