Architectural Shielding

Metalized Conductive Textile Sensors-Versatile!

Conductive Non-Woven Textiles-Very Useful!

Conductive Non-Woven Textiles-Very Useful!  Conductive non-woven textiles have emerged as game-changing materials that blend fabric functionality with electrical conductivity.  Their unique properties find applications across diverse industries.  Innovative solutions in electromagnetic shielding, resistance heating advance technical progress along with the medical and healthcare fields.  Our conductive non-woven materials play a pivotal role in mitigating electromagnetic interference (EMI), by containing or blocking electromagnetic radiations.  This use protects sensitive electronic equipment in electronics manufacturing and telecommunications. ...
RF Shielded Enclosures for Optimum EMC!

RF Shielded Enclosures have many Applications!

RF Shielded Enclosures have many Applications!  In our increasingly interconnected world, the need to manage environmental electromagnetic interference grows daily.   RF Shielded Enclosures, also known as Faraday Cages, play pivotal role in achieving this objective across several industries.  These unique structures are specifically designed to block Radio Frequency (RF) and electromagnetic radiation, serving many purposes.  Today, we will delve into the key applications of RF Shielded Enclosures and the industries that depend on them.  RF...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

RF Shielding-Valuable in Electronics!

RF Shielding-Valuable in Electronics!  We all know that all electronic devices must pass EMC compliance testing prior to marketing.  Without RF Shielding, EMC would be impossible to achieve!  Shielding protects electronic devices from RFI and EMI emissions that would make optimal performance impossible.  Shielding is valuable in several ways, firstly, by blocking emissions that will adversely affect the operation of nearby devices, increasing the overall operation of the component.  Secondly, shielding materials block emissions from other nearby devices that will...
Security and Efficiency-RF Shielded Curtains!

RF Shielded Curtains-many Options!

RF Shielded Curtains-many Options!  RF Shielded Curtains are known for their work in warehousing and inventory management.  They separate a large room into multiple distinct areas, allowing fast and accurate inventories.  This certainly isn't the only use for Shielded curtains.  They allow adding a foyer, division, or a room to an RF Shielded Enclosure, creating mor workspace.  Shielded Curtains are important in telemetry areas of hospitals, keeping the patient's vital signs and medical conditions separate and securely...
Coatings Enhance Metalized Textiles in many ways!

Military uses for Conductive Textiles!

Military uses for Conductive Textiles!  The Department of Defense has many uses for Conductive Textiles.  Obviously, the military has many sophisticated electronic devices in their vehicles, whether planes, tanks, or boats.  The lives of the soldiers depend on these devices working smoothly without any interference from RFI or EMI.  Proper RF Shielding allows these devices to work together efficiently in a shared electromagnetic environment.  Conductive textiles are the best shielding materials for vehicles due to their light...
RF Shielded Garments-what are their Applications?

Who uses Conductive Metalized Textiles-Everyone!

Who uses Conductive Metalized Textiles-Everyone!  Until I came to work at V Technical Textiles, Inc., I didn't know anything about them.  Today, I am amazed at the number of ways metalized textiles are involved in our lives.  One of the first uses of them made it possible for me to listen to an FM radio in my car!  I recall FM radios seemed particularly sensitive to RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and were not easy to listen to.  This due to...
Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Privacy and Protection-RFI/EMI Home Shielding!

Privacy and Protection-RFI/EMI Home Shielding!  RF Shielding offers protection from RF/EMI exposure.  We live in a wireless environment, using RF to send and receive messages, communicate via cell phone, and make financial transactions.  Though the long-term health effects of exposure to RF/EMI radiation haven't been exactly defined, there is true concern that they exist.  Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity (EHS) is a self-reported condition that hasn't been proven by science.  It consists of nervous system symptoms such as headache, fatigue, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms...
Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!  In today's wireless world, we endure constant exposure to RF waves.  Though there is no absolute proof of health risks due to RF wave exposure, there is certainly concern regarding exposure.  EHS (Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity), the name given to EMI sensitivity, involves nervous system symptoms.   Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, and skin irritation among many others.   Many sufferers of EHS claim that their symptoms decline when they shield themselves from RF/EMI exposure.  Personal Shielding...
The role of Conductive Textiles in Modern PPE!

Conductive Fabrics-Great Shielding Material!

Conductive Fabrics-Great Shielding Material!  Shielding materials are usually needed in electronic devices to protect the devices from EMI/RFI which can adversely affect their performance.  The more conductive the Fabric is, the better its shielding characteristics are.  Obviously, fabric is typically lightweight and flexible, making it great for shielding in tight quarters.  Engineers also love the lightweight, as products today are smaller and more portable than ever before.  Lightweight is also important in the automotive, aerospace, military, and law enforcement markets,...
SCIF Construction-are Standards Meetable?

SCIF Construction-are Standards Meetable?

SCIF Construction-are Standards Meetable?  Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs) must be built to very strict standards!  SCIF security requirements and construction specs are based on many factors.  Included in the list are facility purpose, surveillance risk, and physical location of the SCIF.  Sensitive information exchanges, sound damping, and Personnel security are also important parts of the equation.  The final assessment will be made by Accrediting Officer (AO) and Site Security Manager (SSM), determining technical measures for each SCIF application.  The...