Shielded Garments

I’m not “Just Spinning you a Yarn”, Shieldex®Yarns and Threads are the Best!

Shieldex Yarns are the most versatile yarns not only due to the anti-static, anti-odor properties, but for their high electrical and thermal conductivity as well.  These silver plated polyamide yarns can be used in the same fashion as non-coated yarns for twisting, warp-knitting, weft-knitting, embroidery, weaving and spinning.  Due to the conductivity of silver, these yarns can be used as a conductor in sensors, for the manufacture of clothing, home textiles, as well as "smart textiles".  The yarns are available...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

What can Metalized Textiles do for You? Your Imagination is the only Limit!

Since the founding of V Technical Textiles, Inc., it has been the world's single largest distributor of electrically conductive fabrics and notions.  Many people have no idea what metalized textiles are used for.  When they first came out, metalized textiles were used largely in electrical manufacturing in the aerospace, automotive, electronics industries as ESD carpeting, EMI shielded gaskets and quickly evolved into shielding materials in electronic devices to stop RF Interference from affecting the proper function of these sensitive electronic...
Minimizing RF Radiation Exposure!-RF Shielded Garments!

RF Protective Suit, Protection for 5G Workers, Microwave Workers and Maintenance Personnel!

Most of us know that we are surrounded by RF radiation all of the time.  This radiation is of the non-ionizing variety, meaning that it lacks the energy to damage the DNA of a cell and cause mutations.  RF is routinely absorbed by the body and the effects of this absorption are called "thermal effects", basically much as a microwave oven can heat water, RF radiation can rapidly warm the body.  The eyes and the testes are most vulnerable to...

5G-What’s the Latest Information on how it will Affect our Health?

The coming of 5G has had many people worried about "how will all of that RF radiation affect my health?" since its rollout in 2018.  The concern about cell phones in general and their radiation emission has increased over the years, as people spend more time on them and near them than ever before.  The FCC developed the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in 1996, at a time when the cell phone was just a phone.  The SAR reflected the average...
Face Masks-Keep them Handy

The COVID-19 Crisis is Easing, but Masks will Certainly be Needed in the Future!

The "Crush" of the COVID-19 Pandemic has likely passed.  However, this does not mean an end to the basic precautions that we have been taking for the last three months.  We have to maintain some degree of "social distancing", Face Masks to be worn when social distancing isn't feasible, increased washing of the hands, and avoiding touching our faces.  As seen by the results after last week's Memorial Day "Holiday Vacation from Social Distancing", this virus still has the potential...

E-Smog, a New Presence by a “True Original” Participant in the RF/EMI Shielded Clothing Market!

  E-Smog, one of the original brands in RF/EMI Shielded Clothing, is returning to the market with some new styles.  You are able to test the Shielding Effectiveness (SE) of the garments using RF meters and various other methods of testing.  Though there are many different testing methods available, one fact remains constant.  No matter what method of testing is used, there is a surprising difference in the level of RF/EMI exposure between no coverage (bare skin), coverage with regular clothing,...

Cell Phones-Are They Helpful or Harmful to Us?

The debate has been going on for as long as we've had cell phones.  They can summon help when we are in trouble, and allow pretty much instantaneous contact with the people we love.  They can help us find our way when we're lost, and help us check out at a store with the wave of a hand.  We all know that cell phones operate within radio frequency bands, acting as receivers and transmitters of RF to help us do...

Radio Frequency Devices: Are They Harmless, or are We Playing With Fire?

Microwaves have long been known to cause damage to body tissues when used at amplified power levels.  The noticeable damage caused at those exposure levels is basically heat-related, causing toasted skin syndrome, with "possible" links to tumors due to fragmented DNA, mutated cells, and cancers. It has also been speculated that even lower power microwaves can possibly impact the central nervous system, causing symptoms of dizziness, confusion, and memory issues.  The American neuroscientist, Allan Frey, who first noted in 1961 what...

5G-Growing by Leaps and Bounds with Microwave Technology

5G, that's the short name for 5G NR (Fifth Generation New Radio) technology that you've been hearing so much about for the last couple of years.  5G is the next generation of internet connectivity that is supposed to be faster than the current 4G technology, which was initially touted to give a speed of 300 Mbps , and really turned out to be about 100Mbps when implemented.  5G promises speeds of 1.4 Gbps, though the actual final speed remains to...
RF Shielded Garments Block RF Radiation!

Our Metalized Textiles are used in Making “Healthy Clothing” as well as “Smart Clothing”!

Most of the time, I use this forum to write about the uses of V Technical Textiles, Inc.'s metalized textiles in reference to manufacturing and shielding concerns about RF and EMI interference generated by electronic products.  Our shielding material helps to mitigate RF/EM interference by blocking its transmission into the tight environment of electronic products to abate the interference that they produce and, at the same time, stop the RF and EM interference produced by the neighboring components from interfering...