
Digital Criminal Evidence-There is Proper Security Protocol for Keeping Digital Evidence Admissible in Court, Let Us Help You Handle Your Evidence Securely!

Despite the amazing amount of great evidentiary material that Forensic Sciences can provide, the care and treatment of evidence seized while in Law Enforcement custody can affect whether this persuasive information gathered through investigation will ever be presented in court or will be tossed out as "inadmissible in court".  We all remember the O. J. Simpson trial, where "gold standard DNA evidence" was not allowed to be used as evidence in the trial due to a break in the "chain...
Rack Systems protect your Server's Data!

Want to Protect Your Server System AND Cut Down on all the “Noise” in the Server Room? Put your Server in a Rack Cover!

When a company needs to protect its sensitive digital information, they improve their digital security by incorporating firewalls and virus scan programs into their network servers.  This is smart practice by the network administrators, but today's criminal is always developing new techniques to steal digital information.  By eavesdropping on the wireless signal of the servers, a "digital criminal" can access a company's most sensitive information. You store a lot of sensitive information in your Server or Blades.  How are you going...

RFID-It’s Not Just for Inventory Management Anymore!

RFID has been around since the end of World War II.  One of the early uses of RFID was for inventory management.  The inventory was accomplished by scanning the RFID Tag, the inventory was sent to the computer, logging in the presence of the item in the available inventory. There are two different forms of RFID Tags, each based on how the information from the RFID Tag is transmitted to the scanner.  A "passive RFID Tag" means that the tag is...

VTT Wastes No Time in Putting their New Newark Location to Use

VTT acquired their new Newark location on July 8,  and, as you can see from the picture, wasted no time in using the valuable space to complete the final steps on one of their big projects prior to shipping it out to their valued customer.  V Technical Textiles, Inc. understands and respects what this structure was previously and the role it played in the community.  Some of the company officers and employees attended school at the now former Saint Michael...

What’s in Your Wallet? Hopefully, Some Shielding Material!

In today's world, having credit cards or electronic ID cards in your wallet isn't secure enough protection for the personal information they carry.  You must have some sort of additional security for them there in your pocket.  When I grew up, the best security for wallets was what over the road truckers or motorcyclists had, a chain that connected their wallet to their belt or the pants that they were wearing, stopping physical thievery and that was good enough. Today's thief doesn't...

Electronic Evidence-Secure in the Bag

It may seem strange that a textile company would be involved in Forensic Science, but it's true!!  In today's world, even the criminals (from "white collar" criminals to drug dealers) use computers, phones, and electronic devices to store information.  In many cases, this information can be used as key evidence in trials.  When these devices are seized with a warrant, they become part of the "Chain of Custody/Evidence".  In legal context, this refers to the documentation or paper trail that...