
Metalized Conductive Textile Sensors-Versatility!

Sensors and Electrodes- A Perfect use for Metalized Textiles!

Most of us are familiar with the sensors that our health professionals use to gather many types of biometric information about the function of our electrical body organs including:  the brain, heart, nerves, temperature, blood oxygen saturation, humidity, and muscles.  Electrodes are also carriers of electric current for stimulation therapy for nerves TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) and muscles EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation). Traditionally, these sensors have been "wet Silver Chloride Sensors".  The "wet part" is a gel to provide reduction...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

What can Metalized Textiles do for You? Your Imagination is the only Limit!

Since the founding of V Technical Textiles, Inc., it has been the world's single largest distributor of electrically conductive fabrics and notions.  Many people have no idea what metalized textiles are used for.  When they first came out, metalized textiles were used largely in electrical manufacturing in the aerospace, automotive, electronics industries as ESD carpeting, EMI shielded gaskets and quickly evolved into shielding materials in electronic devices to stop RF Interference from affecting the proper function of these sensitive electronic...
Digital Privacy Rack Cover

Want to Keep your Servers Free from Unwanted Intrusion? Put them in an RF Shielded Rack Enclosure!

A business stores a lot of valuable and sensitive information on its servers, hopefully, they also have firewalls and antivirus/antimalware software in place to prevent hacking the system through the internet connection.  An offsite encrypted backup also helps to take away some of the risk of a ransomware attack.  Improving digital security is part of the never ending chess game between today's digital criminal and computer security developers.  One new way of accessing a company's most sensitive information is by...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Faraday Bags and Pouches, use Military Grade Technology to Protect Sensitive Digital Information Stored on your Electronic Devices!!

For years, the Military, the Police, and the Government agencies have been aware of the need to secure sensitive information and communication equipment such as phones and computers, that can be accessed by WiFi or other wireless means.  Whether it was done by use of a specialized room called a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF, pronounced "skiff"), or by placing the devices in Faraday Bags and Pouches.  In the legal system, it is commonplace for computers, phones, and other electronic...

Opening the Economy does NOT Mean All is Safe, Make Sure to Keep Your Guard Up!!

We might be on the verge of getting "life back to normal", the question is "what is normal now"?  I feel that life has changed for many of us, with new steps that are and should be becoming parts of our "new normal routine" to ensure that life continues to proceed smoothly.  Some segments of the population have jumped directly from social distancing and using precautionary measures to "stop the spread" to the illogical conclusion that "we're safe now, let's...
Face Masks-Keep them Handy!

Masks by the Numbers-What do I Really Need in a Mask?

We all know that it is still smart for us to wear facial coverings or masks when we are out in the public, helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19 during this Social Distancing phase of the Pandemic, even though the basic restart of the economy has recently begun in some localities.  The questions are: Who should be wearing a mask, What type of mask should I be wearing, How do I choose a mask, How do I put on...
RFI Interference

Humans and Machines both Need Testing before they Can Work Together in Groups!

Just as the Medical Profession currently struggles with the testing difficulties of determining the presence of a COVID-19 infection or antibodies to determine the presence of this serious condition before people can resume their normal social lives, Electronic Engineers must struggle to locate and eliminate RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) which can impede their new components from working smoothly with other system components before they can safely bring them together as a team. EMI, has been defined as...

Reopening America, How Will We Really Know when it’s Safe?

As we strive to outwait and outwit this virus, it seems that many people are losing their patience and saying "let the future be damned, let's get back to work or we will be ruined".  Certainly, the stresses of this pandemic have put several different types of pressures and stresses on Americans:  Financial, Depression, and Fear to mention a few.  The biggest one for many people seems to be financial.  We have had the great good fortune of a great...

Back to School, New Rules for an Old Routine will be in Play this Year!

We live in interesting times, COVID-19 has turned our routines, our economy, and our lives upside down for the last two and a half months.  We are talking about "Re-Opening America" and "Getting things back to Normal" more and more each day.  One of the biggest concerns about reopening the economy is "how can the parents go back to work if the kids can't go back to school safely?"  The elephant in the room that no one is talking about...
Photo NoraTam

COVID-19 Stays on Surfaces for a Long Time, Surface and Contact Management Techniques will Slow the Spread of the Virus

COVID-19 is Stable in a Favorable Environment for a Long Time

Over the last few weeks, we have learned about the longevity of COVID-19 on various surfaces.  Here are several examples of surfaces and times that this virus can remain infectious:  Outside of a Surgical Mask:  Up to 168 Hours (1 Week)!!!  Plastic and Steel:  72-96  Hours (4 Days)  Standard Laboratory Jacket:  48 Hours (2 Days)  Glass and Paper Currency:  24-48 Hours (1-3 Days)  Copper:  4 Hours  Printing and Tissue Paper: ...