RF Enclosures

Rack Systems Protect your Server's Data!

Rack Systems protect your Server’s Data!

Rack Systems protect your Server's Data!  We live in a "wireless world", so many transactions take place over the airwaves!  That's a nice convenience of living in a digital world!  Life is simpler when we can take care of so many of our responsibilities without leaving home.  That ease comes with a potential cost.  There are many people who "earn" their livings by stealing or misappropriating digital information.  We often hear of people who have had terrible experiences such as...
RF Shielded Enclosures- Choose your Series!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Testing at Home!

RF Shielded Enclosures-testing at Home!  Preparing for Final Compliance EMC Testing is difficult.  One of the best ways to prepare for this test is to prepare your product during development.  Testing your product in your home environment during development builds EMC into your device from the start and is the best way to proceed.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing can be done easily at your development site.  It actually saves time in development, by intercepting EMC issues along the way rather than...
Megastructures-RF Shielded Enclosures for Giants!

Large RF Shielded Enclosures-Giants!

Large RF Shielded Enclosures-Giants!  I always say that VTT fabricates RF Shielded Enclosures to satisfy the needs of our customers, whether it's as small as our 3D Pouch, our "small test lab", or a much larger one.   This year, we are receiving orders for "Testing Megastructures", very large testing enclosures.  RF Shielded enclosures provide the low ambient RF environment required for Pre-Compliance EMC testing.  The size of the testing enclosure is typically dependent on...
RF Shielding Curtains-A Solution for Electromagnetic Interference!

Require Isolation- RF Curtains work!

Require Isolation-RF Curtains work!  When RF Isolation is necessary during an electronic system diagnosis and repair there often isn't a large enough RF Shielded Enclosure present.  Isolation may be possible by using an array of several RF Shielded Curtains.  This approach facilitates diagnosis and repair in situ, where it originally arose.  There are many situations that require RF isolation.   Warehouses and storage facilities where inventory management involves constant monitoring with RFID.  In order to avoid " RFID...
RF Shielded Enclosures for Optimum EMC!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Made for You!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Made for You!  RF Shielded Enclosures are used for testing electronic devices, mainly for EMC Compliance testing.  EMC testing requires a low-ambient RF environment.  Portable RF Shielded Enclosures provide this unique environment using the Faraday Principle.  The Faraday Principle states that the fields within a conductive material cancel out  any external fields, making the electric field inside the conductive material enclosure zero.  The walls of a soft sided RF Shielded consist of
Digital Forensic Evidence-Handle with Care!

Digital Forensic Evidence-Handle with Care!

Digital Forensic Evidence-Handle with Care!   Digital Evidence is evidence that is present on devices in binary code that is "of interest" to the legal system.  This evidence is found on computer hard drives, mobile phones, security cameras, email and other digital media including text messages and social media.  Binary evidence is relevant to many events of interest to the legal system, including traffic violations, accidents, white collar crime, up to terrorism and murder. Digital Forensic Evidence-Handle with Care.  Binary evidence requires...
VTT Helps during "Testing Times"!

EMC Concerns-Try Pre-Compliance Testing!

EMC Concerns-Try Pre-Compliance Testing!  I am a worrier, I worry about any type of test that I am facing.  It can be my physical, a licensing examination, you name it, I'll worry about it!  My mother always felt that proper preparation was far better than worrying about the test.  I agree with her approach in preparing for tests.  She maintains that constant preparation leading up to the test is the best way to approach a test.  I know from my...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

VTT New Look-the same Quality!

VTT New Look-the same Quality!  In the next few months, you will see a change in our Logo and our branding.  We feel that it's time to modernize our look and brand identity as we move into the future.  More importantly, we want to reposition ourselves in keeping with the new challenges that are always emerging in the business world.  It is important that our brand stands out clearly and continues to be a hallmark of excellence.  With major changes...
RF Shielded Enclosures for Optimum EMC!

Pre-Compliance Testing- a Real Benefit!

Pre-Compliance Testing-a Real Benefit!  Preparation is the way to go when it comes to testing in general.  This is particularly true in the case of electronic products.  Starting with the prototype, it is smart to build Electromagnetic Compliance (EMC) into any new product.  It is best practice to incorporate basic EMC into the design of the product and run Pre-Compliance EMC testing starting early in development.  Waiting until your product is completely built to start testing it is a folly. ...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing- Beneficial!

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development!

Best Practice-EMC Testing During Development.  It's true, the best way to develop an EMC compliant product is to build compliance into it from day one!  The EMC standards are specific and defined by regional, international, national, agencies.  They are defined by the type of product and the location(s) where the product will be used.  For each industry, there are different standards that apply to the amount of EMI/RFI a device can emit.  ALL electrical devices produce electromagnetic fields that interfere...