RF Enclosures

Quality Control and Testing-VTT Cares!

Quality Control and Testing-VTT Cares!

Quality Control and Testing-VTT Cares!  When VTT receives a shipment of conductive textiles from a supplier, we sample it and test it before accepting it.  Testing includes electrical conductivity and resistance, along with visual evaluation.  Other tests may include Weight, Thickness, Hole Count, and Yarn Count.  Our RF Shielded Enclosures are tested to assure that their Shielding Effectiveness (SE) lives up to the specifications that we promise.  The same rigid Quality Control standards apply...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing!

Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing!  During product development, it is smart to consider EMC Pre-Compliance Testing.  Every electronic device must pass Final EMC Compliance Testing prior to going to market.  Failure of this test means "back to the drawing board" for your product for "tweaking" prior to making it to the market.  The quicker the Testing is successfully completed, the faster it can be marketed!  Another great reason for testing early and often during development is that Pre-Compliance testing makes...
Soft-Sided RF Shielded Enclosures-Versatile Testing Enviroments!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Choose your Series!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Choose your Series!  Companies need RF Shielded Enclosures to check their electronic products for RFI and EMI emissions.  They also need to test their device for susceptibility to emissions, and immunity to various electromagnetic "phenomena".  RF Shielded Enclosures can provide the ideal electromagnetic environment for all of these tests.  The testing requirements vary depending on the type of device being tested.  V Technical Textiles provides four different Floor series of RF Shielded Enclosures. The enclosures...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

VTT Helps during “Testing Times”!

VTT Helps during "Testing Times"!  We all go through "Testing Times" in our lives.  In the electronic business, we think of product development as a very important "testing time".  New electronic devices must undergo and pass Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing.  VTT believes that the most important testing is Pre-Compliance EMC Testing.  Performing EMC testing early and often during development allows you the luxury of building EMC into your device during a step-by-step development process.  Correcting EMC issues during...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

“Develop” EMC with Pre-Compliance Testing!

"Develop" EMC with Pre-Compliance Testing!  If you're developing new electronic product, you know that it must pass Final EMC Compliance Testing enabling it to go to market.  Many companies develop the product testing it for EMC compliance after development.  This method means that multiple areas may fail the costly Final EMC Compliance test, requiring "backtracking" through developmental steps to determine the reason(s) for failure and re-test the product repeatedly until it passes.  This can be a frustrating proposition, requiring multiple...
Security and Efficiency-RF Shielded Curtains!

RF Shielded Curtains-many Options!

RF Shielded Curtains-many Options!  RF Shielded Curtains are known for their work in warehousing and inventory management.  They separate a large room into multiple distinct areas, allowing fast and accurate inventories.  This certainly isn't the only use for Shielded curtains.  They allow adding a foyer, division, or a room to an RF Shielded Enclosure, creating mor workspace.  Shielded Curtains are important in telemetry areas of hospitals, keeping the patient's vital signs and medical conditions separate and securely...
RF Shielded Enclosures-Great Testing!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!  Developing a new product?  Build EMC into your device by testing it regularly during the development process.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing during development helps you locate and correct EMC issues at home in your facility. This spares you the time and expense of testing at a registered compliance lab.  An RF Shielded EMC Enclosure provides the low ambient RF level necessary to test your product for emissions, susceptibility, and immunity.  The equipment required...
RF Shielded Bags-Protection and Security!

RF Shielded Bags and Pouches-Security!

RF Shielded Bags and Pouches-Security!  In today's wireless world, devices communicate with each other using RF.  This is much more convenient than communicating through wires!  This convenience comes with a price.  Wireless devices are convenient for hackers to.  The game of wireless security goes back and forth. Hackers figure out a new way to beat cyber security, cyber security figures out a way to block the new attack sites! Fortunately, one thing hackers can't access wirelessly is a device secure...
Nothing is "simple"-anymore-needs Change!

Nothing is “simple” anymore-needs Change!

Nothing is "simple" anymore-needs Change!  When I first came to VTT, our manufacturing product line was fairly simple.  RF Shielded Enclosures, RF Shielding Curtains, RF Shielding Garments were about it!  Today, we find that our customers are always finding new and different needs for our conductive textile products.  An RF Shielded enclosure has become a "suite" of rooms with more isolation than ever.  Requests for Foyers, removable walls, are routine requests rather than unusual.  RF Shielding Curtains...
Megastructures-RF Shielded Enclosures for Giants!

RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures-Size Matters!

RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures-Size Matters!  Electronic devices come in all sizes.  All of the devices require EMC Compliance Testing in order to be marketed.  This testing determines whether the device can work effectively in a shared electromagnetic environment.  All devices emit RFI radiation and electromagnetic fields.  These emissions can adversely affect the function of the other devices.  The problem boils down to two terms, emissions or susceptibility.  The RF emissions of an electronic device must meet certain applicable standards. ...