Personal Shielding

RF Shielded Garments Block RF Radiation!

Our Metalized Textiles are used in Making “Healthy Clothing” as well as “Smart Clothing”!

Most of the time, I use this forum to write about the uses of V Technical Textiles, Inc.'s metalized textiles in reference to manufacturing and shielding concerns about RF and EMI interference generated by electronic products.  Our shielding material helps to mitigate RF/EM interference by blocking its transmission into the tight environment of electronic products to abate the interference that they produce and, at the same time, stop the RF and EM interference produced by the neighboring components from interfering...
Silverell is Comfy

Wearing “Healthy Clothing” can be Both Stylish and Good for You!

                                                         Do You Have Any of these Symptoms? Fatigue Depression Hot Flashes/Cold Sweats Sensitive Skin/Rashes Circulatory Issues Recent Surgery Check our Silverell® Garments and Accessories!  All of our garments are made of fabrics with a high content of Silver.  Silver's antibacterial and antimicrobial effects have long been recognized...

Minimizing UV and RF Radiation Exposure, A Great Idea for Either End of the EMR Spectrum

UV Radiation

When I was a child fifty-five years ago, my mother often encouraged us to go outside and "get a nice healthy suntan".  As time went on, we took it a step further and used tanning beds, as they provided the necessary UVA and UVB to get the tan.  Along the way, we also learned that there is an element of truth about being exposed to the sun being healthy for us.  Limited exposure to the sun gives the positive effects...
Shielding Clothing

E-SMOG, I Can’t See It, but I Know It’s There. Should I be Afraid of It?

We live in a world full of e-smog, the term for ALL artificially produced electrical and magnetic fields as well as electromagnetic radiation.  For years, there have been concerns regarding the effects of RF and EMI on the human body.  With the proliferation of devices that emit RF/EMI radiation (cell/mobile telephoned, radar stations, cell phone towers, computers, high voltage lines, WiFi, LANs, household appliances, electric motors and transformers), there is rising concern about the potential long term effects of exposure...