Military EMC Testing

RF Shielded Enclosures-Great Testing!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!  Developing a new product?  Build EMC into your device by testing it regularly during the development process.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing during development helps you locate and correct EMC issues at home in your facility. This spares you the time and expense of testing at a registered compliance lab.  An RF Shielded EMC Enclosure provides the low ambient RF level necessary to test your product for emissions, susceptibility, and immunity.  The equipment required...
Nothing is "simple"-anymore-needs Change!

Nothing is “simple” anymore-needs Change!

Nothing is "simple" anymore-needs Change!  When I first came to VTT, our manufacturing product line was fairly simple.  RF Shielded Enclosures, RF Shielding Curtains, RF Shielding Garments were about it!  Today, we find that our customers are always finding new and different needs for our conductive textile products.  An RF Shielded enclosure has become a "suite" of rooms with more isolation than ever.  Requests for Foyers, removable walls, are routine requests rather than unusual.  RF Shielding Curtains...
Megastructures-RF Shielded Enclosures for Giants!

RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures-Size Matters!

RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures-Size Matters!  Electronic devices come in all sizes.  All of the devices require EMC Compliance Testing in order to be marketed.  This testing determines whether the device can work effectively in a shared electromagnetic environment.  All devices emit RFI radiation and electromagnetic fields.  These emissions can adversely affect the function of the other devices.  The problem boils down to two terms, emissions or susceptibility.  The RF emissions of an electronic device must meet certain applicable standards. ...
RF Shielded Enclosures- Choose your Series!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Testing at Home!

RF Shielded Enclosures-testing at Home!  Preparing for Final Compliance EMC Testing is difficult.  One of the best ways to prepare for this test is to prepare your product during development.  Testing your product in your home environment during development builds EMC into your device from the start and is the best way to proceed.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing can be done easily at your development site.  It actually saves time in development, by intercepting EMC issues along the way rather than...
Megastructures-RF Shielded Enclosures for Giants!

Large RF Shielded Enclosures-Giants!

Large RF Shielded Enclosures-Giants!  I always say that VTT fabricates RF Shielded Enclosures to satisfy the needs of our customers, whether it's as small as our 3D Pouch, our "small test lab", or a much larger one.   This year, we are receiving orders for "Testing Megastructures", very large testing enclosures.  RF Shielded enclosures provide the low ambient RF environment required for Pre-Compliance EMC testing.  The size of the testing enclosure is typically dependent on...
Coatings Enhance Metalized Textiles in many ways!

Military uses for Conductive Textiles!

Military uses for Conductive Textiles!  The Department of Defense has many uses for Conductive Textiles.  Obviously, the military has many sophisticated electronic devices in their vehicles, whether planes, tanks, or boats.  The lives of the soldiers depend on these devices working smoothly without any interference from RFI or EMI.  Proper RF Shielding allows these devices to work together efficiently in a shared electromagnetic environment.  Conductive textiles are the best shielding materials for vehicles due to their light...
Shielding RF/EMI

RF Interference-Controlled by Shielding!

RF Interference-Controlled by Shielding!  RF Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can wreak havoc with the function of electronic devices.  In our wireless world, the amount of RF radiation present in our environment is always increasing.  Add the man-made RF radiation to the natural forms of RFI and EMI such as snow, rain and electrical storms, solar flares, and the auroras and there's a whole lot of radiation going on around here!  Three things cause an interference problem, a "noise...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Your RF Shielded Enclosure-Custom-Made!

Your RF Shielded Enclosure-Custom-Made!  Almost every electronic device under production is unique!  They all have one thing in common-they must pass EMC Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing them!  The EMC Compliance Testing is based on different classes of accepted standards.  The standards vary for each class of device.  EMC Testing takes place in RF Shielded enclosures with low ambient levels of RF present.  During EMC testing, devices are evaluated for the amount of RF radiation that they can perform...
EMC Final Compliance Testing-be Prepared!

EMC Final Compliance Testing-be Prepared!

EMC Final Compliance Testing-be Prepared!  The Boy Scout Motto is "Be Prepared".  That phrase is my cornerstone approach to everything!  Applying it first in grade school and continuing from that time forward, that phrase readies me for day-to-day life and my profession.  Likewise, my V Technical Textiles, Inc. experience confirms it works for every testing experience when applied wisely.  Electrical devices and components must pass EMC Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing them.  EMC Compliance Testing determines...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Role in Technology!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Perfect Testing Environments!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Perfect Testing Environments!  You've heard me say that EMC is all about the environment.  EMC means   all of the electronic devices in a shared electromagnetic environment are able work together smoothly.  RF Shielded Enclosures are used in testing electronic devices to assure that the devices can work in a standard environment together while not making that environment toxic for other devices.  EMC Testing requires a controlled low ambient electromagnetic environment.  The only electromagnetic radiation present...