Law Enforcement

Testing Situations-Prepare for them!

We Live in “Testing Times”, Make Your Testing Times Accommodate Your Schedule!

Students returning to school this Fall aren't the only ones who will have to prepare for rigorous testing to see if they meet the educational standards required of them to advance to the next level!  Companies that have been shut down during the pandemic are coming back to life, and hopefully, producing lots of new and different electronic devices that will be coming into the marketplace in various areas such as the aerospace, automotive, electronic, medical, along with military and...
Digital Privacy Rack Cover

Want to Keep your Servers Free from Unwanted Intrusion? Put them in an RF Shielded Rack Enclosure!

A business stores a lot of valuable and sensitive information on its servers, hopefully, they also have firewalls and antivirus/antimalware software in place to prevent hacking the system through the internet connection.  An offsite encrypted backup also helps to take away some of the risk of a ransomware attack.  Improving digital security is part of the never ending chess game between today's digital criminal and computer security developers.  One new way of accessing a company's most sensitive information is by...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Faraday Bags and Pouches, use Military Grade Technology to Protect Sensitive Digital Information Stored on your Electronic Devices!!

For years, the Military, the Police, and the Government agencies have been aware of the need to secure sensitive information and communication equipment such as phones and computers, that can be accessed by WiFi or other wireless means.  Whether it was done by use of a specialized room called a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF, pronounced "skiff"), or by placing the devices in Faraday Bags and Pouches.  In the legal system, it is commonplace for computers, phones, and other electronic...

Digital Criminal Evidence-There is Proper Security Protocol for Keeping Digital Evidence Admissible in Court, Let Us Help You Handle Your Evidence Securely!

Despite the amazing amount of great evidentiary material that Forensic Sciences can provide, the care and treatment of evidence seized while in Law Enforcement custody can affect whether this persuasive information gathered through investigation will ever be presented in court or will be tossed out as "inadmissible in court".  We all remember the O. J. Simpson trial, where "gold standard DNA evidence" was not allowed to be used as evidence in the trial due to a break in the "chain...
V Technical Textiles, Inc. Logo

V Technical Textiles, Inc. Named “Business of the Year” by Newark Chamber of Commerce!

V Technical Textiles, Inc. has been named "2019 Business of the Year" in Newark, New York for 2019.   The award was given at the Newark Chamber of Commerce's Annual Dinner at the Elks Lodge on November 14, 2019.  VTT is a thirteen year old Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business, owned by Jeanne Hoge.  Jeanne's  husband, William Hoge, is the company's Chief Technical Officer, her son, Shawn DeCook, is the company's Operations Manager, and her daughter, Heather Bushart, is...