Faraday Bag

RF Shielded Pouches-Protecting your Information!

Protect your Sensitive Information, put it in a Faraday Bag!

Protect your Sensitive Information by putting it in a Faraday Bag (also referred to as a RF Shielded Pouch)!  In today's world, you carry sensitive information with you wherever you go.  This information relates to your family, your banking and financial information, even your location!  It's handy to have that information with you, at your fingertips when needed.  Think of the amount of information is stored in your cell phone, your laptop, and your PDA!  All of it accessible by...
RF Shielded Pouches protect your Privacy!

Forensic Evidence (Faraday) Bags-Keeping Electronic Evidence Secure inside a Faraday Cage

We are all aware of the proliferation of electronic devices that we use in our daily lives,  in fact, most of us have several electronic devices that we use regularly.  These devices can be our cell phones, which have essentially become miniature computers that keep track of our appointments, finances, email, phone calls, and text messages.  Additionally, we have our computers, tablets, and PDA's.  All of these devices help us to keep our lives in order by making our information...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

What can Metalized Textiles do for You? Your Imagination is the only Limit!

Since the founding of V Technical Textiles, Inc., it has been the world's single largest distributor of electrically conductive fabrics and notions.  Many people have no idea what metalized textiles are used for.  When they first came out, metalized textiles were used largely in electrical manufacturing in the aerospace, automotive, electronics industries as ESD carpeting, EMI shielded gaskets and quickly evolved into shielding materials in electronic devices to stop RF Interference from affecting the proper function of these sensitive electronic...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Faraday Bags and Pouches, use Military Grade Technology to Protect Sensitive Digital Information Stored on your Electronic Devices!!

For years, the Military, the Police, and the Government agencies have been aware of the need to secure sensitive information and communication equipment such as phones and computers, that can be accessed by WiFi or other wireless means.  Whether it was done by use of a specialized room called a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF, pronounced "skiff"), or by placing the devices in Faraday Bags and Pouches.  In the legal system, it is commonplace for computers, phones, and other electronic...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Nesting isn’t just for Birds, Nested Enclosures Help to Determine Shielding Effectiveness!

The determination of the Shielding Effectiveness (SE) of a material at high frequencies/small wavelengths can give large variations in results based on the testing method employed.  One of the methods used to get more consistent results is to use a "nested" testing chamber, meaning a testing chamber is divided by a shielded wall across the middle of the chamber, with a window/hole in it.  On the receiving side, there is no mode stirring and the antenna is set up to...

Cell Phones-Are They Helpful or Harmful to Us?

The debate has been going on for as long as we've had cell phones.  They can summon help when we are in trouble, and allow pretty much instantaneous contact with the people we love.  They can help us find our way when we're lost, and help us check out at a store with the wave of a hand.  We all know that cell phones operate within radio frequency bands, acting as receivers and transmitters of RF to help us do...

Digital Criminal Evidence-There is Proper Security Protocol for Keeping Digital Evidence Admissible in Court, Let Us Help You Handle Your Evidence Securely!

Despite the amazing amount of great evidentiary material that Forensic Sciences can provide, the care and treatment of evidence seized while in Law Enforcement custody can affect whether this persuasive information gathered through investigation will ever be presented in court or will be tossed out as "inadmissible in court".  We all remember the O. J. Simpson trial, where "gold standard DNA evidence" was not allowed to be used as evidence in the trial due to a break in the "chain...
V Technical Textiles, Inc. Logo

RF-EMI Testing Enclosures are what We do—We can make the Perfect Testing Enclosure for You!!

V Technical Textiles, Inc. is here with our European Partner, Statex Produktions -und Vertriebs GmbH, at  Space Tech Expo I Europe in Bremen through November 21, at Statex Stand L 35.  We take the superior metalized textiles produced by Statex and make them into RFI/EMI Shielded Test Enclosures.  Our enclosures range in size from Pouch Sized to Tabletop to Room Sized and Beyond!  While we do have standard sizes available, most of our enclosures are custom-made to our customer's needs...

What’s in Your Wallet? Hopefully, Some Shielding Material!

In today's world, having credit cards or electronic ID cards in your wallet isn't secure enough protection for the personal information they carry.  You must have some sort of additional security for them there in your pocket.  When I grew up, the best security for wallets was what over the road truckers or motorcyclists had, a chain that connected their wallet to their belt or the pants that they were wearing, stopping physical thievery and that was good enough. Today's thief doesn't...

Electronic Evidence-Secure in the Bag

It may seem strange that a textile company would be involved in Forensic Science, but it's true!!  In today's world, even the criminals (from "white collar" criminals to drug dealers) use computers, phones, and electronic devices to store information.  In many cases, this information can be used as key evidence in trials.  When these devices are seized with a warrant, they become part of the "Chain of Custody/Evidence".  In legal context, this refers to the documentation or paper trail that...