Faraday Bag

RF Shielded Bags-Protection and Security!

Digital Device Security-RF Shielded Pouches!

Digital Device Security-RF Shielded Pouches!  Our digital devices are wonderful, they allow us easy access to our private information all the time!  We don't leave home without them, and always have them nearby.  Unfortunately, this private information is also accessible by nefarious others.  In today's world, there are people who make a living by illegally wirelessly accessing personal digital devices.  They access the information using unsecure Wi-Fi connections such as internet cafes or guest connections in restaurants and hotels.  It...
V Technical Textiles, Inc.

VTT-Experience, Expertise, Excellence and Service!

VTT-Experience, Expertise, Excellence and Service!  VTT has been in the conductive metalized textiles supply business for sixteen years.  We have a lot of experience, but VTT doesn't just settle for that.  We strive for excellence, creating new products using these textiles and are constantly looking for ways to improve on them.  Our teams, from Research and Development, Design, Sales and Manufacturing are experts in their fields.  Most of our manufactured products are custom designed and manufactured to...
Digital Privacy Rack Cover

RF Shielding-Block Unwanted Access!

RF Shielding-Block Unwanted Access!  Our wireless devices store our private information.  We count on them to keep that information secure from unwanted access.  We are able to access our bank and credit card information and use it daily.  Businesses use their computers to store confidential information about their customers and trade secrets.  Sadly, there are hackers out there who would like to use this information in criminal ways!  It seems like we hear about data breaches daily or weekly on...
Integrity of Digital Evidence-Necessary!

Computer/Digital Forensics-Analysis of Digital Evidence!

Computer/Digital Forensics-Analysis of Digital Evidence!  The terms Computer Forensics and Digital Forensics are often used interchangeably. Technically, computer forensics refers to the investigation of computers.  Digital Forensics refers to the investigation of ALL digital devices.  In the real world, Digital Forensics is probably the more accurate name.  Digital data storage is a component of almost all criminal activities investigations.  Evidence is often hidden in computers, cell phones, flash drives, and even in cameras!  Criminals are often painstaking in their data...
Digital Forensic Evidence-Handle with Care!

Digital Privacy-How do we Achieve it?

Digital Privacy-How do we Achieve it?  Undoubtably, today's hackers are becoming more sophisticated.  The news brings stories daily about ransomware, security breaches, and identity theft.  How can we protect ourselves from these personal attacks?  Many of these crimes can be prevented logically.  Protecting electronic devices with updated antivirus programs is mandatory.  Common sense data security measures are important in daily situations.  These include not leaving a computer open when you leave the workspace, and not opening emails and links that...
RF Shielded Bags-Protection and Security!

Electronic Data Protection-Buy or DYI!

Electronic Data Protection-Buy or DYI!  I've talked about Faraday pouches that protect digital data hacks before.  They are security pouches used by government, police, and big business.  These pouches prevent data tampering or theft by wireless access.  Phones, laptops, and PDAs are protected from wireless access while inside the pouch.  These pouches work using the "Faraday Cage Effect" created by metalized textiles.  The metalized textiles block passage of electromagnetic fields through pouch walls.  This same technology is now available to...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Pouches, stop the Hacks!

RF Shielded Pouches, stop the Hacks!  RF Shielded pouches have been used to secure data for years.  Police, Diplomatic, and Military agencies use them routinely to securely transport electronic devices.  The pouches prevent RF access to the devices by creating a "Faraday Cage" around the device.  A Faraday Cage is a metal cage that will block an electromagnetic field from entering the boundaries of the cage. These pouches will block entry of WiFi, 5G, and electromagnetic pulses.  Wireless devices utilize electromagnetic...
Conductive Velcro-Static Management and Switches!

What is Conductive Velcro? What is Conductive Velcro used for?

What is Conductive Velcro?

What is Conductive Velcro and How is it used?  Conductive Hook and Loop is the same product that we all know as Velcro, the only difference being is that it is made electrically conductive by coating the small hooks and loops that make it up with a conductive metal.  The conductive metal used in Shieldex® Conductive Hook and Loop is 99% pure Silver.  Silver is the best metal conductor of electricity.

What is Conductive Hook and Loop used...

Faraday Bags Secure Information

Faraday Bags Secure Information, Protect your Privacy Now!

Faraday Bags Secure Information, Protect your Privacy Now!

Faraday Bags secure information, by blocking electronic access to it.  Today, much Digital information is transferred wirelessly between electronic devices by electromagnetic waves.  We love to have the quick, easy access to our information.   The problem is that thieves can also access this information.  The digital information that we are talking about is stored on the various electronic devices that are part of our lives in today's world.  It can consist of bank...
RF Shielded Pouches-Protecting your Information!

Faraday Bags Protect Information!

Faraday Bags Protect Information, what are they and how do they work?

Faraday Bags Protect Information.  Faraday Bags are bags/pouches fabricated of Metalized Conductive Textiles.  When closed, these pouches do not allow electromagnetic fields or waves to cross their boundaries, based on the research of Michael Faraday in 1836.  Our electronic devices transfer information wirelessly using RF radiation.  When the devices are placed in  Faraday Bags/Pouches, RF transmission is blocked by the Faraday Effect.  This includes both incoming information and...