Pre-Compliance EMC Testing during Product Development-Crucial!

EMC Testing “Early and Often”, makes great Sense in Product Development!

EMC Testing "Early and Often" makes great sense in product development!  In today's environment of complex electronic devices, EMC is paramount!   All the components must work smoothly together to make a great product!  Too much RF noise can decrease the function of a device.   EVERY device emits RF/EMI noise.  There are EMC standards in every industry, automotive, aerospace, and the military.  A device must live up to the appropriate EMC standards in order to be used. EMC Testing "Early and Often"...
The Benefits of RF Shielded Garments!

Shielded Clothing, Comfortable and Protective!

Shielded Clothing, Comfortable and Protective!  As winter arrives, comfortable clothing is important!  Shop VTT is selling a new line of loungewear.  This loungewear has a good feel against the skin, both warm and soft.   The presence of silver in the fabric is very important.  Silver is the most thermally conductive element.  This clothing will eliminate "hot spots" and "cold spots".  Silver distributes the natural heat of the body over the whole garment.  This electrically conductive fabric increases circulation in the...
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity-help is hard to find, but it’s Available!

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity-help is hard to find, but it's available!  For years, some individuals have reported a wide range of non-specific health problems that they attribute to low-level exposure to electromagnetic fields, (EMF).  The symptoms include:  headaches, body pain, lethargy, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), nausea, burning sensation, heart arrhythmia, and anxiety.  The World Health Organization (WHO) said that "no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use".  The WHO, along with the International Agency for...
Eliminate Crosstalk

Cable Sleeves Eliminate “RFI Crosstalk”, keeping Data Secure!

Cable Sleeves Eliminate "crosstalk", keeping Data Secure.  Cables are the way that information is transferred between computers.  Crosstalk refers to electromagnetic interference from one unshielded twisted wire pair  to another unshielded twisted wire pair travelling parallel with each other.  Electric signals passing through wires create magnetic fields that interact with each other.  A wire can be either a "transmitter" or a "receiver" of electromagnetic noise.  Both forms of interference/noise affect the data quality negatively.  There are two ways of stopping interference...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent EMC Testing Options!  These Enclosures are used in Pre-Compliance testing of new electronic equipment in the developmental stage.  They provide the perfect ambient-free environment necessary for this type of testing due to the "Faraday Cage Effect".  The metalized conductive textiles used in making these enclosures block unwanted electromagnetic fields and waves inside of the enclosure.  The Device Under Testing (DUT) can then be operated in a "clean RF environment" to determine if normal operation...
Monofil Braided Tube

What is Braided Tube, What is Braided Tube used for?

What is Monofil Braided Tube?

Shieldex® Monofil Braided Tube is essentially a "sleeve" used to enclose data cables.  Data lines are fed through this flexible sleeve, made of woven individual Polyamide threads, with each thread having been individually coated with silver, which helps to protect them from severe kinks, bends, and abrasion. This lightweight flexible sleeve also provides a protected "electronically shielded environment" for the data cables and the information that is carried through them.  This "silver braided...

What are Faraday Cages and How are they Used?

Faraday Cages are enclosures first researched by Benjamin Franklin in 1755, but mostly attributed to the work done by Michael Faraday in 1836.  Essentially, a Faraday Shield is an enclosure made of a continuous covering of walls, ceilings, and floors by a conductive metal that is used to completely block Electromagnetic Fields from entering the inside of the enclosure by spreading the current over the outside of the enclosure.  In contrast, a Faraday Cage, which involves the use of a...

Compliance Test Tension? An RF Shielded Enclosure by V Technical Textiles, Inc. can Ease the Stress!

We all know that final EMI Compliance Testing can be a tense time.  Time has been invested in development, design, prototyping, and now it is time to find out if your device is compliant with applicable ElectroMagnetic Compliance (EMC) standards.  You drive the three hour trip to the testing site on your appointed day.  Of course, the line has formed and "they're running a little behind today", so you wait for your turn.  You hand your device over to the...
RF Shielded Enclosure

Size Problem? Large or Small, VTT can Help with your EMI Testing Needs!

Electronic devices come in many sizes, whether your device is the size of a cubesat, an automobile, military vehicle, or a spacecraft, V Technical Textiles can help you with your EMI Testing needs by providing you with one of our portable RF Shielded Testing Enclosures, specially designed for your testing needs. EMI testing follows two basic tests that determine if a device is fit to work in an environment with several types of electronic devices in it. The first test is...

“Hardening Structures”-Protecting our Country’s Vital Electronics-Based Systems!

ElectroMagnetic Pulses (EMPs), transient electromagnetic disturbances, evoke the Orwellian thoughts of nuclear explosions that are capable of short-circuiting a wide range of electronic equipment, including computers, satellites, radios, radar receivers, and even traffic lights, plunging the world into the "electronic dark ages".  Though a nuclear weapon is the most commonly thought of cause of an EMP, they can also be caused by solar flares, a close lightning strike, or a massive powerline short circuit.  The damage to electrical equipment can...