Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Practical!  No one likes to do the same job twice!  It's not efficient because it is a true waste of time.  Making sure the job's done right the first time is the best way to proceed.  This is especially true in electronic components.  Electric components are made up of multiple electronic devices, working together smoothly.  Everyone knows that every electronic device has to pass EMC compliance testing before it can go to market.  EMC is achieved when all...
Shielding RF/EMI

Shielding RF/EMI allows Electronic Teamwork!

Shielding RF/EMI allows Electronic Teamwork!  Electronic components consist of several electronic devices working together toward a common result.  All electronic devices create electromagnetic fields.  Electromagnetic fields can be the source of "noise" that can affect the function of another nearby device or devices in the component.  Noise produces a "toxic effect" on the shared electronic environment of the component, making it function below its capability.  In order for the devices to be "compatible" with each other, there must be standards...

Shielding Challenges in Electronic Vehicles!

Shielding Challenges in Electric Vehicles!  Low-frequency magnetic fields are an issue in electronic vehicles.  Low-Frequency fields are related to human health and safety.  Specifically, low-frequency magnetic field exposure of the nervous system where the frequency is below 500KHz.  Additionally, some electric control units of an electronic vehicle can be adversely affected by this phenomenon.  Obviously, anything that effects the controls of an EV can decrease the safety of the vehicle.  The low-frequency magnetic fields in an electronic vehicle are...
Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Personal Shielding-RF/EMI Shielding!

Personal Shielding-RF/EMI Shielding!  We tend to think of RF/EMI Shielding in the electronics industry.  RF/EMI can affect the function of electronic devices.  Interference can reduce the operational efficiency of electronic devices.  Human beings are also electronic devices.  Many body systems are electronic in nature, potentially disrupted by RF/EMI.  We live in a world with ever-increasing RF/EMI.  Some of this RF/EMI is from nature.  Natural RF/EMI includes lightning, solar magnetic storms, the auroras, and the Earth's magnetic field.  The natural RF/EMI...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

Electromagnetic Compatibility-when devices work smoothly Together!

Electromagnetic Compatibility-when devices work smoothly Together!  Devices are like people, they work best when they're compatible. Electronic devices work best when they don't interfere with each other.  Electronic devices can be interfered with in several ways.  They can be "distracted" by RF interference emitted by nearby devices.  This distraction is similar to a co-worker who is always talking.  The background "noise" keeps work quality below its potential best.  Devices that can be "distracted" are called "susceptible".  The answer to susceptibility...
Compatibility-Succeeding by Working together!

RF/EMI Shielding-the Key to EMC!

RF/EMI Shielding-the Key to EMC!  Electromagnetic Compatibility Standards must be met prior to marketing devices.  The device must perform well in a shared electromagnetic environment.  It must not disrupt the performance of other nearby devices.  It must not be disrupted by its environmental coworkers.  The "potential disruption" is caused by RF/EMI outside of acceptable standards.  In the US, the FCC determines these standards.  In Canada, Industry Canada determines the standards.  Europe requires the "CE" mark that represents...
The Role of Conductive Textiles in Modern PPE!

What is Conductive Mesh-how is it used?

What is Conductive Mesh-how is it used?  Conductive Mesh is a knitted metal plated fabric with pores.  The fabric is Nylon 6, Nylon 6.6 or polyester.  The pore size varies, pores can be big or small.  If they are small, the mesh can be used for filtered ventilation.  Conductive mesh vents are often used in the ventilation systems of our RF Shielded Testing Enclosures.  Conductive meshes are useful in face masks to filter the air of particulate...
RFI Interference

Shielding lowers Interference-Devices work Better!

Shielding lowers Interference-Devices work Better.  We all know what interference is like in an office situation.  While concentrating on an important job, someone disrupts your concentration.  The interference comes from a coworker who is working with you.  Frustration sets in, you can't get back "into the zone".   You know you aren't performing your best work.  The same thing can happen to devices in a shared electrical environment.  All devices are trying to work but can't function well.   In the workplace...
EMI/RFI Spell Trouble

EMI/RFI spell Trouble, VTT offers Solutions!

EMI/RFI spell Trouble, VTT offers Solutions!   An electronic device can't be marketed until it is compliant with applicable EMC Standards.  Each device has to pass EMC Final Compliance Testing before it can be marketed.  Testing is rigorous, device development is crucial in preparation for it.  Pre-Compliance testing, starting upon product development is the best way to prepare for the Final Compliance Testing.  Pre-Compliance testing is best done "early and often" in your own facility.  This development method saves time and...

Shielding, More Important than Ever!

Shielding, more important than ever!  The number of electronic devices continues to increase.  Our dependence on these devices increases as well!  We actually NEED these devices for life's "basic tasks"!  It is CRITICAL that these important devices work optimally.  The more electronics simultaneously in use at any time, the higher the probability of EMI/RFI  becomes. We want our electronic devices smaller all the time!  This means more electronic components in tighter confines.   You see where I'm going with this, right?  We're...