EMC Testing

Security and Efficiency-RF Shielded Curtains!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Test with Confidence!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Test with Confidence!  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing requires a low ambient environment for accurate testing.  The only Source of interference in the testing enclosure should be the Device Under Testing (DUT).  RF Shielded enclosures are based on the Faraday Cage Principle which states that electromagnetic fields approach the outside of the enclosure, they will not pass through the walls of the enclosure.  The interior of the testing enclosure should have no ambient RF radiation higher than the level that...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Find out Early!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Find out Early!  I always like to find out what I'm in for as soon as possible!  I always love "practicing" for a test that is coming my way.  They help me to sharpen my skills in the areas where I am underprepared.  Final EMC Compliance tests must be passed prior to marketing electronic devices.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing is a very practical way to prepare for the Final EMC Compliance test.  Testing a product early...
Shielding RF/EMI

RF Interference-Controlled by Shielding!

RF Interference-Controlled by Shielding!  RF Interference (RFI) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) can wreak havoc with the function of electronic devices.  In our wireless world, the amount of RF radiation present in our environment is always increasing.  Add the man-made RF radiation to the natural forms of RFI and EMI such as snow, rain and electrical storms, solar flares, and the auroras and there's a whole lot of radiation going on around here!  Three things cause an interference problem, a "noise...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Product Development-use Pre-Compliance Testing!

Product Development-use Pre-Compliance Testing!  Product development in the electronics industry is very difficult!  EMC Standards must be met depending on product type and its function.  When the product is complete, it needs to pass the Final EMC Compliance Testing at a registered facility in order to be marketed.  This exam is all-inclusive, touching on the entire device.  It's best practice to perform Pre-Compliance testing on the device during development.  This stepwise practice eliminates the need for back tracking to find...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Your RF Shielded Enclosure-Custom-Made!

Your RF Shielded Enclosure-Custom-Made!  Almost every electronic device under production is unique!  They all have one thing in common-they must pass EMC Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing them!  The EMC Compliance Testing is based on different classes of accepted standards.  The standards vary for each class of device.  EMC Testing takes place in RF Shielded enclosures with low ambient levels of RF present.  During EMC testing, devices are evaluated for the amount of RF radiation that they can perform...
EMC Final Compliance Testing-be Prepared!

EMC Final Compliance Testing-be Prepared!

EMC Final Compliance Testing-be Prepared!  The Boy Scout Motto is "Be Prepared".  That phrase is my cornerstone approach to everything!  Applying it first in grade school and continuing from that time forward, that phrase readies me for day-to-day life and my profession.  Likewise, my V Technical Textiles, Inc. experience confirms it works for every testing experience when applied wisely.  Electrical devices and components must pass EMC Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing them.  EMC Compliance Testing determines...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Is your Device Compatible? Test It!

Is your Device Compatible-Test It!  In order to be marketable, electronic devices must pass EMC Final Compliance Testing at a certified testing facility.  Obviously, that is one way to find out if your device is EMC Standard compliant.  It may not be the best way to find out.  Certified Testing appointments are expensive, and there is often a long wait for the appointment.  Optimally, The best way to find out if your device is ready for the Final Compliance test...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

EMC-Achieve it with Proper Shielding!

EMC-Achieve it with Proper Shielding!  Electromagnetic Compatibility means that the electronic devices in a shared Electromagnetic Environment are able to perform together, without interfering with each other.  The two main concerns are Emissions and Susceptibility.  Emissions of RF radiation occur when any electronic device is operating.  If the emissions are within the limits of applicable EMC standards, the device is compliant with the standard for emissions.  If the RF emissions of the device are above the standard, the device is...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Role in Technology!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Perfect Testing Environments!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Perfect Testing Environments!  You've heard me say that EMC is all about the environment.  EMC means   all of the electronic devices in a shared electromagnetic environment are able work together smoothly.  RF Shielded Enclosures are used in testing electronic devices to assure that the devices can work in a standard environment together while not making that environment toxic for other devices.  EMC Testing requires a controlled low ambient electromagnetic environment.  The only electromagnetic radiation present...
Security and Efficiency-RF Shielded Curtains!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Designed for You!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Designed for You!  Many companies come to VTT for RF Shielded Enclosures.  No surprises there as we are the world leader in fabrication of portable RF Shielded Enclosures.  Enclosure fabrication isn't our only strength, our design group meets with our customers to determine their specific enclosure needs.  Only after discussing the various options of size, electromagnetic environment needed, and the various enclosure options available to make their enclosure match their needs do we proceed to...