Conductive Yarns and Threads

RF Shielded Bags-Protection and Security!

Electronic Data Protection-Buy or DYI!

Electronic Data Protection-Buy or DYI!  I've talked about Faraday pouches that protect digital data hacks before.  They are security pouches used by government, police, and big business.  These pouches prevent data tampering or theft by wireless access.  Phones, laptops, and PDAs are protected from wireless access while inside the pouch.  These pouches work using the "Faraday Cage Effect" created by metalized textiles.  The metalized textiles block passage of electromagnetic fields through pouch walls.  This same technology is now available to...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing saves Time and Money!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing saves Time and Money!  All electronic devices must pass testing by an accredited EMC testing lab.  It is estimated that up to 50% of products fail final testing on their first try!  Multiple trips for testing really increase the product development cost.  Pre-Compliance Testing during development at your facility can prepare your device for the "Final"!   This early testing helps to detect and address problems stepwise during development.  Testing and correcting early avoids expensive "back tracking" to...
RFI Interference

Shielding lowers Interference-Devices work Better!

Shielding lowers Interference-Devices work Better.  We all know what interference is like in an office situation.  While concentrating on an important job, someone disrupts your concentration.  The interference comes from a coworker who is working with you.  Frustration sets in, you can't get back "into the zone".   You know you aren't performing your best work.  The same thing can happen to devices in a shared electrical environment.  All devices are trying to work but can't function well.   In the workplace...
Conductive Non-Woven Textiles-Very Useful!

Sensors and Electrodes-keeping us Aware!

Sensors and Electrodes-keeping us Aware!   Sensors are by definition devices that measure a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.  Electrodes are conductors through which electricity enters or leaves an object, substance or region.  Through sensing, we know the condition of our automobile's systems.  Today's automobile tells us how much gas we have and the condition of our tires.  They tell us if seatbelts are buckled, and airbags are functional. The health care industry uses sensing devices in...
Sensors Football Safety

Sensors are Everywhere! What can they do for You?

Sensors are Everywhere!  What can they do for You?  I have used this platform to talk about them in the past.  I've talked about their use in automobiles, medicine, and personal safety.  This time, I'm going to speak about their use in sports!  It's getting near the time for the Super Bowl.  Football is a sport that sensors can help improve several ways.  We've all heard and seen the concern about...
Silver Infused Wellness Garments Improve Health!

Comfortable Wellness Garments, Feel Great in Style!

Comfortable Wellness Garments, Feel Great in Style!  No doubt about it, winter is here!  We all like to be comfortable in the winter.  There is nothing like coming home from work and slipping into comfortable clothes.  The cold days and nights make us crave warmth.  Wellness Garments are both comfortable and stylish for lounging in.  V Technical Textiles, Inc. makes great garments for this season!  Most people feel that VTT is a science-based company.   In reality, VTT is a textile...
Industrial Metalized Textile Applications!

Resistance Heating Warms us!

Resistance Heating Warms us!  Winter is here, and resistance heating keeps us warm outside!  People stay warm by wearing smart clothes that react to cold.  Hunters, ice fisherman, snowmobilers and skiers can stay warm!  Socks, gloves, coats, and vests can respond to ease the cold!  The secret to keeping warm in lies in conductive textiles.  Electric current is passed through the conductive material.  The conductive textile converts electrical energy to heat energy!  Our car seats, mirrors, steering...
Technical Embroidery using Highly Conductive Yarns!

Embroidered Circuits Require Embroidery Thread!

Embroidered Circuits Require Embroidery Thread!  In the early days of smart textiles and smart clothing, wires ruled!  Actual wires ran from power source to switch and on to the functional element!   Wires developed stress fractures as the textile flexed.  These stress fractures resulted in circuit failures.  TPU "wire" was developed to correct stress fractures.  The "wire" was conductive yarn surrounded by Thermoplastic PolyUrethane (TPU).  This allowed flexibility of yarn and the insulation/protection of the TPU.  This solution worked well as...
Sensible Sensors-Monitoring Vital Signs!

Sensors are very Important. What do they do?

Sensors are very Important.  What do they do?  Sensors are by definition devices that measure a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it. Sensors monitor our health- They monitor our vital signs and alert us to problems.  They can be used in hospitals or remotely.  They detect the electrical systems of the human body.  Brain activity, vital signs, and respiration. Sensors/Electrodes are used in Therapy- TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) helps in nerve therapy.  EMS (Electrical Muscle...
Autonomous/Driver-Assisted Vehicles

Developing a New Product? VTT can Help!

Developing a New Product?  VTT can Help!  If your product requires metalized textiles, we're here for you! V Technical Textiles, Inc. has access to the largest inventory of metalized textiles.  These include conductive fabrics, yarns and threads, and notions.  Product design is one of the cornerstones of our growth!  Our engineering and product development team can help from start to finish! Developing a New Product?  VTT can Help!  We have a special relationship with the producer of metalized textiles.  We can give...