Conductive Textiles

Metalized Conductive Textile Sensors Versatile!

Technical Embroidery-Conductive Yarn “Wires”!

Technical Embroidery-Conductive Yarn "Wires"!  Smart clothing requires durable conductive wires!  I'm asking you to "think outside the box" when it comes to the term "wire".  In the case of clothing a classic "metal wire" leaves quite a bit to be desired.  It is rigid and doesn't like the movements of the human body.  Flexing a metal wire leads to stress cracks, and ultimately failure of the wire.  Additionally, metal wires in clothing are not exactly "comfortable" for the wearer, we...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

EMC Compliance Testing-what’s the Point?

EMC Compliance Testing-what's the Point?  Every electronic device must pass EMC Compliance Testing to make it to the market!  The reason for this requirement is to lessen the amount of RFI/ EMI in our environment.  More importantly, it is to lessen the RFI and EMI in our environment that adversely affects the function of other devices present in the shared electromagnetic environment.  All electronic devices emit RFI/EMI.  In general, electromagnetic interference doesn't cause a decrease in function of the devices...
RF Shielded Enclosures- Choose your Series!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Testing at Home!

RF Shielded Enclosures-testing at Home!  Preparing for Final Compliance EMC Testing is difficult.  One of the best ways to prepare for this test is to prepare your product during development.  Testing your product in your home environment during development builds EMC into your device from the start and is the best way to proceed.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing can be done easily at your development site.  It actually saves time in development, by intercepting EMC issues along the way rather than...
Conductivity, Flexibility, Durability-TPU Yarn!"!

Conductivity, Flexibility, and Durability-TPU Yarn!

Conductivity, Flexibility, and Durability-TPU Yarn!  We usually think of metallic wires to carry current in electronics.  When we talk about smart clothing, metal wire has many drawbacks.   Flexibility is very important in clothing, people move in many directions, wire doesn't!  Wire is great with conductivity, but not great at repetitive flexing!  In fact, constant flexing causes stress cracks and failure of metal wires, which is not acceptable in smart clothing. Clothing has to move smoothly and comfortably, paralleling the movement...
Have a Product Idea-We'll help!

Have a Product Idea-We’ll help!

Have a Product Idea-We'll help!  Our metalized conductive textiles are useful in many ways!  We have the world's largest standing inventory of conductive textiles.  If you have a new idea on how to use them, our Research and Development team will help turn your idea into reality!  Our team can help you find the ideal textile for your project.  The help doesn't stop there, we will assist you in producing a prototype of your project.  V Technical...
RF Shielded Enclosures for Optimum EMC!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Made for You!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Made for You!  RF Shielded Enclosures are used for testing electronic devices, mainly for EMC Compliance testing.  EMC testing requires a low-ambient RF environment.  Portable RF Shielded Enclosures provide this unique environment using the Faraday Principle.  The Faraday Principle states that the fields within a conductive material cancel out  any external fields, making the electric field inside the conductive material enclosure zero.  The walls of a soft sided RF Shielded consist of
Conductive Metalized Textiles-Great Shielding!

Garments, Pouches, Shielding,-Conductive Textiles!

Garments, Pouches, and Shielding-Conductive Textiles!  The uses of conductive fabrics are many and varied.  Originally, the primary use of conductive metalized textiles was RF Shielding, allowing electronic devices to work together smoothly a shared electromagnetic environment.  All electronic devices emit electromagnetic radiation.  Depending on the frequency of the EMI/RFI, electronic devices can work together smoothly.  RF Shielding uses conductive textiles to block the offending frequencies that disturb normal function of a device.  Engineers love the flexibility of...
Testing Times demand logical Preparation!

Testing Times demand logical Preparation!

Testing Times demand logical Preparation!  So many things in our lives depend on test results!  In my case, my Dental License depended on my Dental Board Exam results, passing is necessary to license!  In the world of electronic devices, passing Final EMC Compliance Testing is necessary to market the device.  Logical preparation dictates testing your device often during development in preparation for the "big day"!  You know the EMC standards that your device must meet.  Pre-Compliance EMC Testing in your...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing- Beneficial!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Smart Preparation!  There are many important tests in life!  Smart preparation makes tests easier to pass!  If you are developing new electronic products for the market, you know that passing a Final EMC Compliance Test is necessary to market your product.  Final Compliance Certification means that your product will fit in smoothly with the shared electromagnetic environment that it will function in.  The best way to prepare your device for the Final EMC Compliance test is to perform...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Pouches protect your Privacy!

RF Shielded Pouches protect your Privacy!  We live in a digital world where we can access our information easily from our electronic devices.  The problem with that is that there are "digital criminals" out there trying to hack your devices for nefarious reasons.   Identity theft, fraudulent emails asking for you to give your private information for any number of reasons.  Credit Card numbers, bank account numbers, and even your identity information are what they're after.  Identity theft can be devastating...