Conductive Textiles

Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

What can Metalized Textiles do for You? Your Imagination is the only Limit!

Since the founding of V Technical Textiles, Inc., it has been the world's single largest distributor of electrically conductive fabrics and notions.  Many people have no idea what metalized textiles are used for.  When they first came out, metalized textiles were used largely in electrical manufacturing in the aerospace, automotive, electronics industries as ESD carpeting, EMI shielded gaskets and quickly evolved into shielding materials in electronic devices to stop RF Interference from affecting the proper function of these sensitive electronic...
Minimizing RF Radiation Exposure!-RF Shielded Garments!

RF Protective Suit, Protection for 5G Workers, Microwave Workers and Maintenance Personnel!

Most of us know that we are surrounded by RF radiation all of the time.  This radiation is of the non-ionizing variety, meaning that it lacks the energy to damage the DNA of a cell and cause mutations.  RF is routinely absorbed by the body and the effects of this absorption are called "thermal effects", basically much as a microwave oven can heat water, RF radiation can rapidly warm the body.  The eyes and the testes are most vulnerable to...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Faraday Bags and Pouches, use Military Grade Technology to Protect Sensitive Digital Information Stored on your Electronic Devices!!

For years, the Military, the Police, and the Government agencies have been aware of the need to secure sensitive information and communication equipment such as phones and computers, that can be accessed by WiFi or other wireless means.  Whether it was done by use of a specialized room called a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF, pronounced "skiff"), or by placing the devices in Faraday Bags and Pouches.  In the legal system, it is commonplace for computers, phones, and other electronic...

CubeSats, the Smallest Members of the Satellite Family

NASA has announced a Cube Satellite Launch Initiative (CSLI) recently, making it possible for a private company to propose a Cube Satellite (CubeSat) mission that will be deployed in space by a NASA booster that has space available on it for more cargo than it is scheduled to take into space.  In very simple terms, a CSLI means that NASA will "cover the cost" of putting your CubeSat mission into orbit in exchange for a report on the results of...

5G-What’s the Latest Information on how it will Affect our Health?

The coming of 5G has had many people worried about "how will all of that RF radiation affect my health?" since its rollout in 2018.  The concern about cell phones in general and their radiation emission has increased over the years, as people spend more time on them and near them than ever before.  The FCC developed the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in 1996, at a time when the cell phone was just a phone.  The SAR reflected the average...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Nesting isn’t just for Birds, Nested Enclosures Help to Determine Shielding Effectiveness!

The determination of the Shielding Effectiveness (SE) of a material at high frequencies/small wavelengths can give large variations in results based on the testing method employed.  One of the methods used to get more consistent results is to use a "nested" testing chamber, meaning a testing chamber is divided by a shielded wall across the middle of the chamber, with a window/hole in it.  On the receiving side, there is no mode stirring and the antenna is set up to...

Space Force Moves into a New Era, Partnering with Private Companies for Defense

The Space Force is smaller than the other military forces and will be very much more "technology dependent" in order to accomplish its mission of protecting the military on the ground by monitoring events occurring  on earth from space.  Much of the Space Force's mission will be accomplished with the use of satellites.  The Space Force is planning to follow the lead of NASA, by partnering with private businesses that are already involved in the aerospace field like SpaceX and...
RFI Interference

Humans and Machines both Need Testing before they Can Work Together in Groups!

Just as the Medical Profession currently struggles with the testing difficulties of determining the presence of a COVID-19 infection or antibodies to determine the presence of this serious condition before people can resume their normal social lives, Electronic Engineers must struggle to locate and eliminate RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) which can impede their new components from working smoothly with other system components before they can safely bring them together as a team. EMI, has been defined as...

Making Technology Strides and Preserving Natural Beauty, a Great Combination!

How valuable is satellite-provided broadband internet to the world?  Is it worth those platoons of satellites providing the internet eclipsing the "view" of deep space objects from our research telescopes, which prefer darkness and radio silence for optimum performance?  At this time there are at least 800 Low-Earth-Orbit satellites in space, ranging from the size of a table (SpaceX) to the size of a sandwich (Swarm Technologies) and a grand total of 2,218 satellites orbiting the earth currently.  The FCC,...

COVID-19, Another Week, Another Surprise! Hold on to Your Masks!

COVID-19 is one complex virus, each week we learn something new about COVID-19.  Usually, the surprise is another thing that adds to the difficulty in dealing with this Pandemic.  As you know by now, the CDC is recommending that everyone, whether they have symptoms or not, cover their face with a mask or cloth covering whenever social distancing is difficult.  This is not to say that you should wear a mask wherever you go, but to wear one in places...