Conductive Textiles


Rough Conditions Require Rugged Textiles!

Rough Conditions Require Rugged Textiles!  Conductive textiles are thin and lightweight.  Normally, these are excellent characteristics for many of their uses.  Metalized textiles are used in many electronic devices for shielding.  Electronic technology is becoming smaller all the time.  Shielding solutions must be flexible and adaptable to fit in tight spaces.  However, there are times that rugged characteristics are important.  Due to their fine structure, conductive textiles are usually not particularly durable.  The delicate nature of these shielding giants...
Soft-Sided RF Shielded Enclosures-Testing with Precision!

EMC Compliance Testing-“Prep” your Product!

EMC Compliance Testing-"Prep" your Product!  EMC Compliance testing is often the final obstacle to product marketing.  It's important to prepare your product for this test!  Best Practice for Final EMC Compliance Testing is Pre-Compliance EMC Testing!  Pre-Compliance Testing at your own facility beginning early in development is great preparation!  This allows identification and mitigation of problems during every step of development.  Backtracking to find problems is time consuming and frustrating!  Products developed in this way will likely pass Final Compliance...
Supply Chain Slowdown

Supply Chain Slowdown? VTT can Help!

Supply Chain Slowdown? VTT can Help!  CNN Business reports that China is experiencing supply chain slowdown again.  This after global shipping had recently been recovering from the pandemic slowdown.  Shanghai is the world's largest container shipping port.  New Covid lockdowns in China affected Shanghai, resulting in worldwide supply chain delays.  Though the lockdowns are beginning to ease, the delays caused by them are now expected to last into the summer.  These new delays, combined with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, have...
Digital Forensic Evidence-Handle with Care!

Digital Privacy-How do we Achieve it?

Digital Privacy-How do we Achieve it?  Undoubtably, today's hackers are becoming more sophisticated.  The news brings stories daily about ransomware, security breaches, and identity theft.  How can we protect ourselves from these personal attacks?  Many of these crimes can be prevented logically.  Protecting electronic devices with updated antivirus programs is mandatory.  Common sense data security measures are important in daily situations.  These include not leaving a computer open when you leave the workspace, and not opening emails and links that...
Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Personal Shielding-RF/EMI Shielding!

Personal Shielding-RF/EMI Shielding!  We tend to think of RF/EMI Shielding in the electronics industry.  RF/EMI can affect the function of electronic devices.  Interference can reduce the operational efficiency of electronic devices.  Human beings are also electronic devices.  Many body systems are electronic in nature, potentially disrupted by RF/EMI.  We live in a world with ever-increasing RF/EMI.  Some of this RF/EMI is from nature.  Natural RF/EMI includes lightning, solar magnetic storms, the auroras, and the Earth's magnetic field.  The natural RF/EMI...

Metalized Textiles Questions-VTT has the Answers!

Metalized Textiles Questions-VTT has the Answers!  V Technical Textiles, Inc. has the world's largest inventory of Metalized Textiles.  VTT is the marketing and sales arm of our German partner, Shieldex.  VTT prides itself in this strong relationship.  VTT has input into the design of these unique textiles.  Metalized Textiles were originally used in RF Shielding in automobiles.  Their primary use was to stop RF interference with electrical components.  In the last decade, uses for metalized textiles have grown exponentially.  The...
RF Shielded Enclosures-Ideal EMC Testing Environments!

Your own Test Lab-an RF Shielded Enclosure!

Your own Test Lab-an RF Shielded Enclosure!  Best practice suggests Pre-Compliance EMC Testing early and often in product development.  The problem is the time and money wasted accomplishing offsite testing!  The lead time for testing slows things down as well.  The ability to perform testing in your own facility would be great.  Many companies have faced this problem over the years.   VTT has designed and produced portable testing enclosures for many years.  These RF Shielded Enclosures provide the low...
Conductive Textiles are used Everywhere

Conductive Metalized Textiles-not just for Shielding!

Conductive Metalized Textiles-not just for Shielding!  When conductive textiles were first developed, Shielding was their use.  They were used to make sure car radios worked well.  RFI and EMI were blocked, eliminating static hissing!  They are still used to protect critical systems from RFI/EMI.  They are also currently used in many different ways. Conductive Metalized Textiles-not just for Shielding!  The medical sector uses conductive textiles as sensors.  Human vital signs are detected by sensors and sent to recording devices.  The...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Essential in Product Development!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Essential in Product Development!  Save time and money in electronic product development!  Electronic products must pass EMC Compliance testing before marketing.  It isn't essential during product development, but it makes development smoother!   EMC testing helps assure that your product meets necessary standards.  The best practice is to test early and often during development.  Waiting until the product is nearly finished almost assures failure.  Failure necessitates "backtracking" to find the problem that caused failure.  The failure point must be...
RF Shielding Curtain

RF/EMI Shielded Curtains-Privacy and Separation!

RF/EMI Shielded Curtains-Privacy and Separation!  In our lives, we use curtains for privacy, separation, and protection.  RFI/EMI Shielded Curtains are used in the same way.  RF Shielded curtains are made of conductive metalized textiles.  These curtains block the passage of RF and EMI waves.  One of the major uses of these curtains is in hospital telemetry areas.  They effectively isolate the beds in a "shielded room".  This assures that the proper information is transferred...