Author - Randy Mitchell

RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Considering Having an EMI/RF Testing Enclosure Built?

Considering Having an EMI/RF Testing Enclosure Built?  Before you Build, Consider these Points! What is the cost of construction per cubic/square foot? What is the lead time from start of construction to finished enclosure? How many hours per year will you use the enclosure? What performance standards do you need for testing? Could you use this valuable space for other uses when not using it for testing? How portable is the enclosure? When you've considered all of the above questions, it...
Shielded Enclosure

Which Enclosure is Right for My Business?

Choosing the correct enclosure for your business depends on several factors:  The size of the product(s) that is/are being tested.  The types of tests and the tolerances/specifications required to do the testing  properly.  The features that are required for access, ventilation, power, the "bells and whistles" that suit your individual needs. The enclosure has to be large enough in size to accommodate the items being tested,  the instrumentation used to perform the testing, along with the number of personnel involve in...
Shielding Clothing

E-SMOG, I Can’t See It, but I Know It’s There. Should I be Afraid of It?

We live in a world full of e-smog, the term for ALL artificially produced electrical and magnetic fields as well as electromagnetic radiation.  For years, there have been concerns regarding the effects of RF and EMI on the human body.  With the proliferation of devices that emit RF/EMI radiation (cell/mobile telephoned, radar stations, cell phone towers, computers, high voltage lines, WiFi, LANs, household appliances, electric motors and transformers), there is rising concern about the potential long term effects of exposure...