Author - Randy Mitchell

5G-What’s the Latest Information on how it will Affect our Health?

The coming of 5G has had many people worried about "how will all of that RF radiation affect my health?" since its rollout in 2018.  The concern about cell phones in general and their radiation emission has increased over the years, as people spend more time on them and near them than ever before.  The FCC developed the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in 1996, at a time when the cell phone was just a phone.  The SAR reflected the average...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Nesting isn’t just for Birds, Nested Enclosures Help to Determine Shielding Effectiveness!

The determination of the Shielding Effectiveness (SE) of a material at high frequencies/small wavelengths can give large variations in results based on the testing method employed.  One of the methods used to get more consistent results is to use a "nested" testing chamber, meaning a testing chamber is divided by a shielded wall across the middle of the chamber, with a window/hole in it.  On the receiving side, there is no mode stirring and the antenna is set up to...

COVID-19 is NOT Finished with Us yet, Please Keep Your Masks and Your Distance!!

Many people are worried that the "second wave" of  COVID-19 has arrived with summer.  I tend to agree with Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has stated "we are still in the first wave of COVID-19".  People just got tired of making the effort that is necessary to keep the rate of the infection down to manageable levels for our medical system and assumed that "this crisis is over".   I believe that COVID-19 is going to take our country to "Summer...

Space Force Moves into a New Era, Partnering with Private Companies for Defense

The Space Force is smaller than the other military forces and will be very much more "technology dependent" in order to accomplish its mission of protecting the military on the ground by monitoring events occurring  on earth from space.  Much of the Space Force's mission will be accomplished with the use of satellites.  The Space Force is planning to follow the lead of NASA, by partnering with private businesses that are already involved in the aerospace field like SpaceX and...

Robots are Good Workers, but can Make a lot of Noise in the Testing Room. An Absorber Sleeve can Quiet things Down!

Antenna manufacturers make antennas for many uses.  The end user of each antenna needs to know the characteristics of the antennas to make sure that they are performing to their specifications.  The "characteristics" of an antenna's transmission and reception of signals are called the antenna's patterns.  These pattern measurements must be VERY precise and done with the antenna in many different positions during testing.  In order to make sure that the position of the antenna is correct, robotic arms are...
Face Masks-Keep them Handy

The COVID-19 Crisis is Easing, but Masks will Certainly be Needed in the Future!

The "Crush" of the COVID-19 Pandemic has likely passed.  However, this does not mean an end to the basic precautions that we have been taking for the last three months.  We have to maintain some degree of "social distancing", Face Masks to be worn when social distancing isn't feasible, increased washing of the hands, and avoiding touching our faces.  As seen by the results after last week's Memorial Day "Holiday Vacation from Social Distancing", this virus still has the potential...

Opening the Economy does NOT Mean All is Safe, Make Sure to Keep Your Guard Up!!

We might be on the verge of getting "life back to normal", the question is "what is normal now"?  I feel that life has changed for many of us, with new steps that are and should be becoming parts of our "new normal routine" to ensure that life continues to proceed smoothly.  Some segments of the population have jumped directly from social distancing and using precautionary measures to "stop the spread" to the illogical conclusion that "we're safe now, let's...
Face Masks-Keep them Handy!

Masks by the Numbers-What do I Really Need in a Mask?

We all know that it is still smart for us to wear facial coverings or masks when we are out in the public, helping to reduce the spread of COVID-19 during this Social Distancing phase of the Pandemic, even though the basic restart of the economy has recently begun in some localities.  The questions are: Who should be wearing a mask, What type of mask should I be wearing, How do I choose a mask, How do I put on...
RFI Interference

Humans and Machines both Need Testing before they Can Work Together in Groups!

Just as the Medical Profession currently struggles with the testing difficulties of determining the presence of a COVID-19 infection or antibodies to determine the presence of this serious condition before people can resume their normal social lives, Electronic Engineers must struggle to locate and eliminate RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and EMI (ElectroMagnetic Interference) which can impede their new components from working smoothly with other system components before they can safely bring them together as a team. EMI, has been defined as...

Reopening America, How Will We Really Know when it’s Safe?

As we strive to outwait and outwit this virus, it seems that many people are losing their patience and saying "let the future be damned, let's get back to work or we will be ruined".  Certainly, the stresses of this pandemic have put several different types of pressures and stresses on Americans:  Financial, Depression, and Fear to mention a few.  The biggest one for many people seems to be financial.  We have had the great good fortune of a great...