Author - Randy Mitchell

Conductive Metalized Textiles

What are Sensors, and what do they do for us in Automobiles?

What is a Sensor?

A sensor is a device that measures a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.  Sensors seem to be present everywhere these days and their numbers are ever increasing.  They monitor many and varied complex systems, looking for abnormalities.  The automotive industry depends heavily upon sensors, there are many present in automobiles, where people spend lots of their time.

What do Sensors in Automobiles tell Us?

Sensors in the Automobile cabin are essentially Human Machine Interface...
TPU Yarn a Conductive Yarn "Wire"!

What is TPU Wire? What is TPU Wire used for?

What is TPU Wire?

The answer is simple.  TPU "wire" is really a silver metalized yarn coated with Thermoplastic PolyUrethane (TPU) as an insulator.  We usually think of "wire" as a solid metal cylinder that carries current.  In this case, the silver metalized yarn has all of the conductive properties of a wire due to silver's excellent conductivity, except that it isn't solid and due to the textile properties of a yarn, it can flex easily.  This flexibility makes the the...

What are Faraday Cages and How are they Used?

Faraday Cages are enclosures first researched by Benjamin Franklin in 1755, but mostly attributed to the work done by Michael Faraday in 1836.  Essentially, a Faraday Shield is an enclosure made of a continuous covering of walls, ceilings, and floors by a conductive metal that is used to completely block Electromagnetic Fields from entering the inside of the enclosure by spreading the current over the outside of the enclosure.  In contrast, a Faraday Cage, which involves the use of a...
RF Shielded Pouches protect your Privacy!

Forensic Evidence (Faraday) Bags-Keeping Electronic Evidence Secure inside a Faraday Cage

We are all aware of the proliferation of electronic devices that we use in our daily lives,  in fact, most of us have several electronic devices that we use regularly.  These devices can be our cell phones, which have essentially become miniature computers that keep track of our appointments, finances, email, phone calls, and text messages.  Additionally, we have our computers, tablets, and PDA's.  All of these devices help us to keep our lives in order by making our information...
The Benefits of RF Shielded Garments!

Throw away your Tin Foil Hats, RF Shielded Clothing is Stylish and Comfortable Now!

In today's electronic device driven world, the human body is exposed to Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) at an ever-growing rate.  The sources of the EMFs are largely man-made, delivered to us via our wireless devices including:  cell phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices, computers, cellular towers, high tension power lines and so many others.  EMFs are not visible to you, you can't see them, touch them, feel them, taste them, or smell them.  In fact, we are humans, yet the cells of our...

Compliance Test Tension? An RF Shielded Enclosure by V Technical Textiles, Inc. can Ease the Stress!

We all know that final EMI Compliance Testing can be a tense time.  Time has been invested in development, design, prototyping, and now it is time to find out if your device is compliant with applicable ElectroMagnetic Compliance (EMC) standards.  You drive the three hour trip to the testing site on your appointed day.  Of course, the line has formed and "they're running a little behind today", so you wait for your turn.  You hand your device over to the...
RF Shielded Enclosure

Size Problem? Large or Small, VTT can Help with your EMI Testing Needs!

Electronic devices come in many sizes, whether your device is the size of a cubesat, an automobile, military vehicle, or a spacecraft, V Technical Textiles can help you with your EMI Testing needs by providing you with one of our portable RF Shielded Testing Enclosures, specially designed for your testing needs. EMI testing follows two basic tests that determine if a device is fit to work in an environment with several types of electronic devices in it. The first test is...

“Hardening Structures”-Protecting our Country’s Vital Electronics-Based Systems!

ElectroMagnetic Pulses (EMPs), transient electromagnetic disturbances, evoke the Orwellian thoughts of nuclear explosions that are capable of short-circuiting a wide range of electronic equipment, including computers, satellites, radios, radar receivers, and even traffic lights, plunging the world into the "electronic dark ages".  Though a nuclear weapon is the most commonly thought of cause of an EMP, they can also be caused by solar flares, a close lightning strike, or a massive powerline short circuit.  The damage to electrical equipment can...
Pre Compliance Testing

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures Provided Work from Home Applications During Covid-19

When Covid-19 hit North America in March, it closed down a lot of our businesses, but many businesses and individuals were able to continue to do work from home or other remote locations during the quarantine/social distancing period of this pandemic.  The "Work From Home" #wfh group, were often able to continue their work with the use of RF Shielded Enclosures and pouches. One didn't need to be in the electronics development business to benefit from these enclosures.  Government and Business...
RFI Interference

The Constant Increase of Electronic Devices makes the Shielding Industry Very Important in Achieving EMC!

We have more electronic devices than ever before in this world, each of them adding to the invisible cloud of E-Smog that surrounds us all.  More of these devices are being developed all of the time, with the development in cellular infrastructure for the 5G and 6G communications systems....yes, I said 6G!!!  That doesn't include the aerospace and automotive industries as today's aircrafts and automobiles are essentially controlled and driven with the aid of complex electronic devices and the consumer...