Author - Randy Mitchell

Teamwork Provides Solutions

Teamwork Provides Great Solutions and makes our Products Better!

Teamwork provides great solutions and makes our products better!  If we've learned nothing more in this year of pandemic, we've learned that "we're all in this together".  During this difficult time, we've found that we couldn't always work the way that we did in the past.  Supply chains were backed up and product development lagged.  We came to realize how dependent we are on each other in order to manufacture products that are up to our level of expectation. V Technical...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures, Rental is an Option!

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures, why buy one you can rent it?  Shielded Testing Enclosures are an ideal solution for Pre-Compliance Testing.  Accomplishing this testing at your site has several advantages.  There is the monetary advantage, saving travel and testing fees are two areas of saving money.  Saving precious time instead of waiting for appointments at busy testing centers when you can perform them in your own location on your own schedule represents another important savings area. Many industries are required to...
RF Shielded Pouches-Protecting your Information!

Protect your Sensitive Information, put it in a Faraday Bag!

Protect your Sensitive Information by putting it in a Faraday Bag (also referred to as a RF Shielded Pouch)!  In today's world, you carry sensitive information with you wherever you go.  This information relates to your family, your banking and financial information, even your location!  It's handy to have that information with you, at your fingertips when needed.  Think of the amount of information is stored in your cell phone, your laptop, and your PDA!  All of it accessible by...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent Testing Options!

Portable RF Shielded Enclosures are Excellent EMC Testing Options!  These Enclosures are used in Pre-Compliance testing of new electronic equipment in the developmental stage.  They provide the perfect ambient-free environment necessary for this type of testing due to the "Faraday Cage Effect".  The metalized conductive textiles used in making these enclosures block unwanted electromagnetic fields and waves inside of the enclosure.  The Device Under Testing (DUT) can then be operated in a "clean RF environment" to determine if normal operation...
RF Shielded Enclosures- Optimal EMC!

RF Testing in Space? How will that be Done?

RF Testing in Space?  That seems like a strange question.  Certainly, RF Testing in space is not being done to any great extent at this time. RF testing is done on earth for the spacecrafts and their components to make sure that their delicate electrical systems work smoothly together in space. RF testing in space seems like it could be a necessary thing to consider within the next decade.  NASA's Artemis Program will return humans to the Moon in 2024.  The...
Image Courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Silver is the Best Thermal Conductive Element, Creating Comfort!

Silver is the best thermal conductive element, creating comfort!  Silver's thermal conductivity accounts for a great benefit provided by fabrics that are made with silver containing yarns and fabrics.  This property is measured in Watts per meter per degree Kelvin, W/M°K.  The high thermal conductivity of Silver is due to its electron configuration!  Silver's electrons are are "loosely held" due to its low nuclear charge.  This allows them to move more easily, resulting in efficient energy transfer.  The energy transferred...
Monofil Braided Tube

What is Braided Tube, What is Braided Tube used for?

What is Monofil Braided Tube?

Shieldex® Monofil Braided Tube is essentially a "sleeve" used to enclose data cables.  Data lines are fed through this flexible sleeve, made of woven individual Polyamide threads, with each thread having been individually coated with silver, which helps to protect them from severe kinks, bends, and abrasion. This lightweight flexible sleeve also provides a protected "electronically shielded environment" for the data cables and the information that is carried through them.  This "silver braided...
Solar Flare Protection!

What is a Solar Flare? How can it Effect our Electronic Lives?

What is a Solar Flare?

A Solar Flare is the release of pent-up energy, also called a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME).  Think of them as the results of storms on the surface of the sun, or "spouts of magnetic energy".  In early December, we had a Solar Flare. This Solar Flare coincides with the onset of "Solar Cycle 25".   A Solar Cycle is an 11 year window of time during which the storminess on the surface of the sun peaks and...
Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles Stealth and Security!

Infrared Detection, the Good and the Bad, and How to Avoid it!

 What is Infrared Detection?

Infrared Detection is using heat as a method of finding someone or something.  The the infrared sensor/camera picks up the infrared heat signature of a person or object, which is be stronger or weaker than their surroundings.  This makes the human being or object "distinct" from its surroundings, essentially locating the human being or object.

What is Good about IR Detection?

One good thing about infrared detection is the use of this technology in finding people lost in the...
Resistance Heating!

What is Resistance Heating, What are its Applications?

What is Resistance Heating and What are its Applications?

Resistance heating is heat generated by an electrical current passing through a resistor.  The heat comes from electrical energy being converted to thermal energy.  There are many applications for Resistance Heating:  Aeronautics, Automotive, Military, and Smart Clothing industries to name a few.

How is Resistance Heating Used in the Aeronautics Industry?

In the aeronautics industry, resistance heating is used for de-icing the wings of aircraft in inclement weather.  If the leading edges of airplane...