Author - Randy Mitchell

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

Good RF Shielding Equals EMC!

Good RF Shielding equals EMC!  All electronic devices produce RF Noise or Electromagnetic Fields.  These Electromagnetic emissions can cause less than optimal device performance.  There are "acceptable standards" of RF emissions allowed to be present in the component.   Some devices are "susceptible" to acceptable RF radiation.  Other devices may emit unacceptable amounts of RF radiation.  The RF radiation of one device can adversely affect the performance of the component.  That is why it is important to test devices early and...
Conductive Metalized Textiles-Great Shielding!

Conductive Textiles, What are they and what are their Uses?

Conductive Textiles, What are they and What are their Uses?

A conductive textile is a fabric, thread, or fastener that conducts electricity.  Conductive textiles consist of a less conductive fiber or fabric that is made conductive by being coated with electrically conductive elements.  These elements are often Silver, Copper, Nickel, and titanium.  These elements are plated, embedded, or coated onto the less conductive substrate.  These substrates typically include polyester and Nylon.  These fabrics, threads, and yarns are highly conductive and sensitive. ...
RFI Interference

Proper RFI Management is Crucial, Wireless, the Internet of Things, and 5G depend on It!

Proper RFI Management is Crucial, Wireless, the Internet of Things (IOT) and 5G depend on it!

Proper RFI Management is Crucial, Wireless, the IoT, and 5G depend on it.  All three of the above-mentioned systems operate in an RFI filled environment.  Due to the increase of the number of devices, there is more RFI in our environment than ever before.  Every electronic device emits RFI, the trick is to control it.  Think of the environment as an office full workers.  As...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Roles in Technology!

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures, We have the right one for You!

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures-what are they?

RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures are based on the theory of the "Faraday Cage", pioneered by Michael Faraday in 1836.  A Faraday Cage is made of a conductive metal mesh or solid conductive metal plates that will not allow external electric fields to enter the area that the cage encloses.  Our RF Shielded EMC Testing Enclosures are made of metalized conductive textiles, making them easy to assemble, lightweight and portable.

RF Shielded Testing Enclosures-what are...

RF Shielded Pouches-Protecting your Information!

Faraday Bags Protect Information!

Faraday Bags Protect Information, what are they and how do they work?

Faraday Bags Protect Information.  Faraday Bags are bags/pouches fabricated of Metalized Conductive Textiles.  When closed, these pouches do not allow electromagnetic fields or waves to cross their boundaries, based on the research of Michael Faraday in 1836.  Our electronic devices transfer information wirelessly using RF radiation.  When the devices are placed in  Faraday Bags/Pouches, RF transmission is blocked by the Faraday Effect.  This includes both incoming information and...
Innovative uses for Conductive Metalized Textiles!

Highly Conductive Yarns and Threads, the new Wires in Smart Clothing!

Highly Conductive Yarns and Threads, the new "wires" in smart clothing!  Think about it, when smart clothing first came out, there were actual wires used to make connections!  The problem with these wires is that they were not particularly flexible, comfortable, compact, or durable.  The traditional wire circuitry did not stand up to the constant flexing of the human body or the extremes of the cleansing process, moisture and temperature.  Often, the product did not stand the "test of time...
Embroidered Conductivity and Connectivity-"Wireless Wires"!

Conductivity Rules in Smart Clothing-Create the Path of Least Resistance!

Conductivity rules in smart clothing-create the path of least resistance!  In the near future, nearly all of our clothes will be smart.  Smart clothing is made of fabrics that allow digital components, sensors, connections, and power to be incorporated in them.  These components allow the clothing to assist the wearer in daily activity.   They can monitor body systems, facilitate communication, incorporate lighting and heating and environmental conditions for safety and comfort.  The key to all of this is electrical conductivity. Conductivity...
EMI/RFI Spell Trouble

RF Emissions and RF Susceptibility, EMC Test Devices Early and Often in Development!

RF Emissions and RF Susceptibility, EMC test devices early and often in development! RF Emissions- every electronic device emits RF waves during function.  Some of these RF waves are acceptable in the environment.  Some of them can adversely affect the function of other nearby devices.  The RF Emissions should be checked early and often during development.  This process prevents the need to change the device design completely late in the game. RF Susceptibility- If RF waves in the area decrease...
Maker Education

What is Maker Education, What does it Accomplish?

What is Maker Education, What does it accomplish?  Maker Education is a project-based learning experience.  It incorporates hands-on experiences along with didactic learning, facilitating education.  The projects focus on problem solving by having students take a project from concept to reality.  Maker Education involves integrating several educational areas:  Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM).  The project could teach the roles of science of electricity, the technology and engineering of a circuit, the art of a light display, and the...
The many Benefits of Ilver-Infused Clothing!

Top Five Reasons for Wearing Anti-Radiation Clothing!

You may have heard of Anti-Radiation Clothing... and the exposures that it deals with are certainly getting more prevalent.. This guide will help you understand what it is and why it is becoming increasingly necessary:

1. Protection from the "Natural Environment"

Believe it or not, today's "Natural Environment" is more full of naturally generated Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) than ever! EMR is produced naturally by the sun, our atmosphere (the auroras), and the earth itself as low level electromagnetic fields.  Unless...