Author - Randy Mitchell

Autonomous/Driver-Assisted Vehicles

Developing a New Product? VTT can Help!

Developing a New Product?  VTT can Help!  If your product requires metalized textiles, we're here for you! V Technical Textiles, Inc. has access to the largest inventory of metalized textiles.  These include conductive fabrics, yarns and threads, and notions.  Product design is one of the cornerstones of our growth!  Our engineering and product development team can help from start to finish! Developing a New Product?  VTT can Help!  We have a special relationship with the producer of metalized textiles.  We can give...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

EMC Testing made easy, VTT has an EMC Testing Enclosure for You!

EMC Testing made easy!  EMC testing used to be difficult in many ways.  The Certified Testing Facilities were few and far between.  Testing schedules were full, and the testing was expensive.  Unfortunately, all of the above-mentioned conditions are still true.  The advent of portable EMC Testing Enclosures eased things.  Pre-Compliance testing can now be accomplished in your own facility!  Testing can also be done "early and often" during development!   This Pre-Compliance testing allows EMC problems to be corrected BEFORE they...
Faraday Pouches-Safeguarding your Data in a Wireless World!

RF Shielded Pouches, stop the Hacks!

RF Shielded Pouches, stop the Hacks!  RF Shielded pouches have been used to secure data for years.  Police, Diplomatic, and Military agencies use them routinely to securely transport electronic devices.  The pouches prevent RF access to the devices by creating a "Faraday Cage" around the device.  A Faraday Cage is a metal cage that will block an electromagnetic field from entering the boundaries of the cage. These pouches will block entry of WiFi, 5G, and electromagnetic pulses.  Wireless devices utilize electromagnetic...

Shielding, More Important than Ever!

Shielding, more important than ever!  The number of electronic devices continues to increase.  Our dependence on these devices increases as well!  We actually NEED these devices for life's "basic tasks"!  It is CRITICAL that these important devices work optimally.  The more electronics simultaneously in use at any time, the higher the probability of EMI/RFI  becomes. We want our electronic devices smaller all the time!  This means more electronic components in tighter confines.   You see where I'm going with this, right?  We're...
RF Shielded Enclosure's Role in Technology!

Why work with VTT? Experience, Research, Dedication, and Commitment!

Why work with VTT?  Experience, Research, Dedication, and Commitment!  These are four great reasons to work with V Technical Textiles, Inc.  Experience is paramount, VTT has been selling conductive textiles for more than 20 years.  The "selling" isn't the important issue, it is the control over the raw materials.  Due to our relationship with the manufacturers of these textiles, VTT has several advantages: Control over the raw materials- VTT has a large inventory readily on hand for...
RF Shielded Enclosures- Choose your Series!

Testing for EMC, Plan for Future needs Now!

Testing for EMC, Plan for Future needs Now!  The business year is coming to a close. A New Year is just around the corner!  Now is the time to plan for next year's needs!  Your products, testing standards, and materials are going to change.  Time waits for no one; it marches steadily forward.  The general types of EMC testing will remain the same: Emissions- The amount of RFI that the Device Under Testing (DUT) is allowed to emit may decrease. ...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing during Product Development-Crucial!

EMC Testing “Early and Often”, makes great Sense in Product Development!

EMC Testing "Early and Often" makes great sense in product development!  In today's environment of complex electronic devices, EMC is paramount!   All the components must work smoothly together to make a great product!  Too much RF noise can decrease the function of a device.   EVERY device emits RF/EMI noise.  There are EMC standards in every industry, automotive, aerospace, and the military.  A device must live up to the appropriate EMC standards in order to be used. EMC Testing "Early and Often"...
Tough Conductive Textiles

Robust Conductive Textiles, ready for Rough Conditions!

Robust Conductive Textiles, ready for rough conditions!  Conductive textiles have long been used in excellent RF Shielding applications.  The difficulty has always been that these conductive textiles are delicate, thin and tear easily.  Seaman Corporation from Wooster, Ohio has continuously manufactured durable high performance coated textiles for decades.  These coated textiles are used for roofing solutions, architectural structures, tents and tarps for the military, and Geomembranes.  The marriage of Conductive Textiles and a Ruggedized Coating to protect them seemed like...
The Benefits of RF Shielded Garments!

Shielded Clothing, Comfortable and Protective!

Shielded Clothing, Comfortable and Protective!  As winter arrives, comfortable clothing is important!  Shop VTT is selling a new line of loungewear.  This loungewear has a good feel against the skin, both warm and soft.   The presence of silver in the fabric is very important.  Silver is the most thermally conductive element.  This clothing will eliminate "hot spots" and "cold spots".  Silver distributes the natural heat of the body over the whole garment.  This electrically conductive fabric increases circulation in the...
Future Plans for 5G

Future Plans for 5G, What Role will VTT Play?

Future Plans for 5G, What Role will VTT Play?  V Technical Textiles is planning for the challenge of the 5G testing world!  Our Automotive plans include several new types of testing enclosures to help with ALL of the challenges that 5G brings to automotive shielding in the autonomous cars, from the passenger compartment, to the on-board computing/GPS/positional sensing systems, to assisting with pre-compliance testing and interference mitigation.  VTT's Shieldex® conductive fabrics have long been used in automotive...