Author - Randy Mitchell

Conductive Metalized Textiles-Great Shielding!

Global Reach and Innovation-two Great Assets!

Global Reach and Innovation-two Great Assets!  During these tough economic times, we have been very fortunate.  The supply chain has broken and is difficult to repair.  VTT and our European partner, Shieldex, have excellent global reach.  Our two locations, Germany and the USA, make shipping easier.  Both of our locations have large standing inventories in stock.  We manufacture many of the products that we sell.  We have been fortunate to find suppliers of raw goods. This has helped us to...
Innovative uses for Conductive Metalized Textiles!

Non-woven Metalized Fabrics-what are their uses?

Non-woven Metalized Fabrics-what are their uses?  The concept of a non-woven metalized fabric is hard to grasp.  They are not made by weaving or knitting.  They consist of Nylon 6.6 fibers.  These fibers are NOT converted to yarns.  The fibers are pin bonded together in a three-dimensional matrix.  This process yields a uniform fabric with dimensional stability, and high tear and tensile strength.  The fabric can be plated with Silver, Copper, Nickel, and Tin.  These varied metal platings yield different...
Use a Tenter Frame

Use a Tenter Frame-Erase Yarn Memories!

Use a Tenter Frame-Erase Yarn Memories!  Yarns develop bad "memories" from the knitting process.  Think of the knitting process as a traumatic event for the yarn.  These "memories" first show up when oils and binders are removed by washing after knitting.  The removal of these oils and binders is an "aqueous process".  As the yarns dry from the washing, the yarn appears wrinkled.  These "wrinkles" are physical swelling or "bellies" caused by the yarn's "knitting memory".  These "physical memories" make...
Tough Conductive Textiles

Tough Conductive Textiles-Great in Extreme Conditions!

Tough Conductive Textiles-Great in Extreme Conditions!  Much of the work done by conductive textiles is done under mild environmental conditions.   They are often used indoors in EMC testing labs, hospitals, and vehicles.  They are not able to withstand harsh weather elements.  These conductive textiles are thin and fragile.  They are vulnerable in their native state.  There has long been a need for them in tougher conditions.  The textiles just weren't durable enough for it.  Architectural Shielding, marine conditions, military operations...
RF Shielded Bags-Protection and Security!

Electronic Data Protection-Buy or DYI!

Electronic Data Protection-Buy or DYI!  I've talked about Faraday pouches that protect digital data hacks before.  They are security pouches used by government, police, and big business.  These pouches prevent data tampering or theft by wireless access.  Phones, laptops, and PDAs are protected from wireless access while inside the pouch.  These pouches work using the "Faraday Cage Effect" created by metalized textiles.  The metalized textiles block passage of electromagnetic fields through pouch walls.  This same technology is now available to...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Efficient Best Practice- Frequent EMC Developmental Testing!

Efficient Best Practice-Frequent EMC Developmental Testing!  Frequent EMC developmental testing sounds like a lot of work.  It also sounds like a waste of precious time.  The truth is doing the testing early and often saves a lot of time!  "Backtracking" to mitigate/diagnose problems is the real waste of time.  Backtracking means "to retrace one's steps" or to "pursue, trace, and monitor".  I call it "going back to the drawing board"!  Talk about time consuming, that's the definition of backtracking!  Pre-Compliance...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

Electromagnetic Compatibility-when Components get Along!

Electromagnetic Compatibility-when Components get Along!  Electromagnetic Compatibility is when components of a device get along.   In new devices, the components must work together in a shared electromagnetic environment.  If the devices aren't compatible, the device performance suffers.   A device should be like a team, many parts working toward one goal.  Successful teams are assembled of people who work toward a goal smoothly.  Each player executes his job without holding the team back.  Similarly, one teammate can adversely affect the function...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing saves Time and Money!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing saves Time and Money!  All electronic devices must pass testing by an accredited EMC testing lab.  It is estimated that up to 50% of products fail final testing on their first try!  Multiple trips for testing really increase the product development cost.  Pre-Compliance Testing during development at your facility can prepare your device for the "Final"!   This early testing helps to detect and address problems stepwise during development.  Testing and correcting early avoids expensive "back tracking" to...
RFI Interference

Shielding lowers Interference-Devices work Better!

Shielding lowers Interference-Devices work Better.  We all know what interference is like in an office situation.  While concentrating on an important job, someone disrupts your concentration.  The interference comes from a coworker who is working with you.  Frustration sets in, you can't get back "into the zone".   You know you aren't performing your best work.  The same thing can happen to devices in a shared electrical environment.  All devices are trying to work but can't function well.   In the workplace...
Conductive Non-Woven Textiles-Very Useful!

Sensors and Electrodes-keeping us Aware!

Sensors and Electrodes-keeping us Aware!   Sensors are by definition devices that measure a physical property and records, indicates, or otherwise responds to it.  Electrodes are conductors through which electricity enters or leaves an object, substance or region.  Through sensing, we know the condition of our automobile's systems.  Today's automobile tells us how much gas we have and the condition of our tires.  They tell us if seatbelts are buckled, and airbags are functional. The health care industry uses sensing devices in...