Author - Randy Mitchell

Turning a Negative into a Positive using the Power of ESD!

EMC-It’s all about the Environment!

EMC-It's all about the Environment!  It's terrific when people work smoothly together.  They focus on the job at hand and accomplish their tasks efficiently.  You feel their compatibility in the easy flow of their work!  It's the same way with electric components working together in a shared environment.  Electronic devices emit electromagnetic interference naturally while working.  These natural emissions can negatively affect the overall functioning of the device.  EMC Final Compliance Testing is required for all electronic devices before marketing...
RF Shielded Enclosures-Ideal EMC Testing Environments!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Ideal EMC Testing Environments!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Ideal EMC Testing Environments!  We all know that all electronic devices have to pass Final EMC Compliance testing before they are marketed.  RF Shielded Enclosures provide ideal conditions for performing Pre-Compliance EMC testing.   Compliance testing determines whether or not the device is emitting RF and Electromagnetic radiation that will affect the performance of devices in their shared workspace, or if the device is sensitive to other electromagnetic phenomena.  RF Shielded Enclosures create...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

EMC Testing-try Pre-Compliance Testing!

EMC Testing-try Pre-Compliance Testing!  As the new year approaches, new product introduction will increase.  Every new electronic device must pass a Final EMC Compliance test.  You shudder to think of scheduling testing, long waits for appointments, long trips to the testing center, and big testing fees!  It's great when you pass the test the first time but having to retake the test is a nightmare!  This year, make a change in your "usual cycle"!  Try Pre-Compliance Testing in your own...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Electronic Devices plus Great Shielding-EMC!

Electronic Devices plus Great Shielding-EMC!  Electronic devices are great things, making so many tasks easier and more enjoyable for us!  Sadly, they also create EMI and RFI emissions naturally.  Unfortunately, some of these emissions affect other devices working in their shared electromagnetic environment adversely.  Consider the analogy of an office, one employee talks loudly and makes it hard for the other employees to concentrate at their highest level.  The talking employee is an "emitter" of EMI/RFI and the other employees...
Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!

Personal/Home Shielding reduces EMI Exposure!  In today's wireless world, we endure constant exposure to RF waves.  Though there is no absolute proof of health risks due to RF wave exposure, there is certainly concern regarding exposure.  EHS (Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity), the name given to EMI sensitivity, involves nervous system symptoms.   Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, and skin irritation among many others.   Many sufferers of EHS claim that their symptoms decline when they shield themselves from RF/EMI exposure.  Personal Shielding...
Cotton and Silver Together make Great Clothing!

Cotton and Silver Together make Great Clothing!

Cotton and Silver Together make Great Clothing!  We all know cotton is a natural fabric, planted in the spring and harvested in the fall.  Cotton is very versatile; it can be woven in a variety of thicknesses to change its feel.  It is incredibly strong, which helps your clothing last longer.  Incredibly, cotton gets stronger when it is wet, allowing washing, losing dirt without losing its shape!  Cotton is non-allergenic, making it terrific for those with sensitive...
RF Shielded Bags-Protection and Security!

Digital Device Security-RF Shielded Pouches!

Digital Device Security-RF Shielded Pouches!  Our digital devices are wonderful, they allow us easy access to our private information all the time!  We don't leave home without them, and always have them nearby.  Unfortunately, this private information is also accessible by nefarious others.  In today's world, there are people who make a living by illegally wirelessly accessing personal digital devices.  They access the information using unsecure Wi-Fi connections such as internet cafes or guest connections in restaurants and hotels.  It...
RF Shielded Enclosures- Choose your Series!

EMC Compliance Test-Prepare your Product!

EMC Compliance Test-Prepare your Product!  Every electronic device must pass EMC Compliance tests in order to be marketed.  Preparing your product for this should be done from the start of the product's development until it is complete.  The best way to be ready for this test is to test the device early and often during product development.  Running an EMC Pre Compliance test at each crucial step allows discovery and correction of issues along the way.  Obviously, this stepwise process...
Metalized Textiles-Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

Metalized Textiles-What are their Uses?

Metalized Textiles-What are their Uses?  Metalized textiles were first used in various Shielding Applications.  I can remember when an automobile FM radio mainly played static!  Metalized textiles played a major role in protecting the radio from RFI from the other electronic components in the vehicle.  The antenna brought in shielded clean signals to the RF shielded radio which were sent out to the speakers, allowing the music to be heard as it was meant to be heard. ...
Face Masks-Keep them Handy!

Face Masks-Keep them Handy!

Face Masks-Keep them Handy!  Well into the third year of the pandemic, we're all ready to put our face masks away for a while!  This pandemic really caught us by surprise and changed the traditional design of face masks.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that cloth masks aren't as effective against coronavirus as surgical masks and respirators.  The difference is in the filtration capability.  Loosely woven cloth provides the least protection, layered finely woven masks are better. ...