Author - Randy Mitchell

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing!

Smart Development includes Pre-Compliance Testing!  During product development, it is smart to consider EMC Pre-Compliance Testing.  Every electronic device must pass Final EMC Compliance Testing prior to going to market.  Failure of this test means "back to the drawing board" for your product for "tweaking" prior to making it to the market.  The quicker the Testing is successfully completed, the faster it can be marketed!  Another great reason for testing early and often during development is that Pre-Compliance testing makes...
Soft-Sided RF Shielded Enclosures-Versatile Testing Enviroments!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Choose your Series!

RF Shielded Enclosures-Choose your Series!  Companies need RF Shielded Enclosures to check their electronic products for RFI and EMI emissions.  They also need to test their device for susceptibility to emissions, and immunity to various electromagnetic "phenomena".  RF Shielded Enclosures can provide the ideal electromagnetic environment for all of these tests.  The testing requirements vary depending on the type of device being tested.  V Technical Textiles provides four different Floor series of RF Shielded Enclosures. The enclosures...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

Advancing Aerospace Shielding using Conductive Textiles!

Advancing Aerospace Shielding using Conductive Textiles! The aerospace industry requires reliable Shielding Solutions to protect electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electrostatic discharge (ESD).  Conductive metalized textiles have emerged as a very promising option for Aerospace shielding.   Conductive textiles have revolutionized aerospace shielding by providing effective EMI shielding and ESD protection.  These textiles are specifically designed to prevent the penetration of electromagnetic waves, safeguarding critical onboard electronics and communications systems.  By effectively blocking unwanted electromagnetic radiation, these textiles ensure...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

VTT Helps during “Testing Times”!

VTT Helps during "Testing Times"!  We all go through "Testing Times" in our lives.  In the electronic business, we think of product development as a very important "testing time".  New electronic devices must undergo and pass Final Compliance Testing prior to marketing.  VTT believes that the most important testing is Pre-Compliance EMC Testing.  Performing EMC testing early and often during development allows you the luxury of building EMC into your device during a step-by-step development process.  Correcting EMC issues during...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Worth the Time!

“Develop” EMC with Pre-Compliance Testing!

"Develop" EMC with Pre-Compliance Testing!  If you're developing new electronic product, you know that it must pass Final EMC Compliance Testing enabling it to go to market.  Many companies develop the product testing it for EMC compliance after development.  This method means that multiple areas may fail the costly Final EMC Compliance test, requiring "backtracking" through developmental steps to determine the reason(s) for failure and re-test the product repeatedly until it passes.  This can be a frustrating proposition, requiring multiple...
Conductive Textiles in Healthcare-Medical Advancements!

Metalized Textiles in Medicine-Useful!

Metalized Textiles in Medicine-Useful!  In healthcare, technological advancements constantly reshape the industry, enabling more accurate diagnostics and effective treatments.  Among these innovations, metalized textiles have emerged as a transformative force, finding versatile applications in various medical settings.  Let's look into the many uses of metalized textiles and their impact on the healthcare industry. Metalized textiles offer a novel approach to vital signs collection and storage.  With the use of conductive threads and yarns, sensors can be embroidered into...
Visit Team Shieldex in Booth #813

Visit Team Shieldex Booth #813 at IEEE International Symposium in Grand Rapids, MI

Visit Team Shieldex at Booth #813!  Team shieldex from Bremen and Team shieldex-us will be exhibiting together again at the IEEE International Symposium on Signal Integrity and Power Integrity in Grand Rapids, Michigan from 07/31-08/04.  Our companies are very focused on RF Shielding and Electronics Testing.  Many of our products work toward ensuring that Electromagnetic Compatibility is achievable throughout the electronics field.  Stop by Booth #813 and meet Shawn DeCook, Stefan Harms, and Thomas Santelli to learn about conductive metalized...
Metalized Textiles -Perfect Shielding for small Devices!

RF Shielding-Valuable in Electronics!

RF Shielding-Valuable in Electronics!  We all know that all electronic devices must pass EMC compliance testing prior to marketing.  Without RF Shielding, EMC would be impossible to achieve!  Shielding protects electronic devices from RFI and EMI emissions that would make optimal performance impossible.  Shielding is valuable in several ways, firstly, by blocking emissions that will adversely affect the operation of nearby devices, increasing the overall operation of the component.  Secondly, shielding materials block emissions from other nearby devices that will...
Flame Retardant Conductive Fabrics-Coming Soon!

Flame Retardant Conductive Fabrics-Coming Soon!

Flame Retardant Conductive Fabrics-Coming soon!  Many of our customers come to us looking for flame retardant metalized Fabrics.  Fire requires three things:  Heat, Fuel, and Oxygen.  Electronic devices are frequently a cause of fires, as they often supply all three requirements for fire.  Applying a flame retardant coating to these devices may reduce the chance of a fire. This item has been on the "wish list" in many fields, including automotive, aerospace, construction, and medical.  Metalized fabrics are lightweight, thin...
Security and Efficiency-RF Shielded Curtains!

RF Shielded Curtains-many Options!

RF Shielded Curtains-many Options!  RF Shielded Curtains are known for their work in warehousing and inventory management.  They separate a large room into multiple distinct areas, allowing fast and accurate inventories.  This certainly isn't the only use for Shielded curtains.  They allow adding a foyer, division, or a room to an RF Shielded Enclosure, creating mor workspace.  Shielded Curtains are important in telemetry areas of hospitals, keeping the patient's vital signs and medical conditions separate and securely...