Author - Randy Mitchell

Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles Stealth and Security!

Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles- Stealth and Security!

Infrared Reflecting Metalized Textiles-Stealth and Security!  In the dynamic landscape of modern warfare and law enforcement, staying one step ahead of adversaries is very important!  One innovation in these sectors is the integration of infrared reflecting metalized textiles into their "toolbox".  These materials bring several benefits, particularly enhancing stealth, protection, and overall operational effectiveness to military and law enforcement personnel.  At the forefront of these applications is the role of metalized textiles in camouflage. ...
Infrared Signatures in Military and Law Enforcement

Infrared Signatures in Military and Law Enforcement

Infrared Signatures in Military and Law Enforcement.  In the ever-evolving landscape of defense and security, the role of technology is paramount.  Among the cutting-edge advancements, understanding and harnessing the potential of Infrared (IR) signatures stand out as a crucial aspect in both military and law enforcement operations.  In military applications, the concept of stealth extends beyond the visible spectrum.   Vehicles, aircraft, and personnel employ sophisticated techniques to minimize their IR signatures, helping to evade...
Reverberation Chamber

The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!

The Advantages of Reverberation Chambers!  Reverberation chambers are specialized RF Shielded enclosures, useful in testing emissions and susceptibility of electronic devices to electromagnetic interference (EMI).  These chambers are crucial in ensuring that electronic devices operate correctly in environments of high levels of electromagnetic activity.  Our product, the Soft Sided Vibrating Intrinsic Reverberation Chamber, represents a significant advancement in this field.  Unlike traditional rigid-walled chambers, our reverberation chamber features walls made of conductive metalized textiles. ...
Turning a Negative into a Positive using the Power of ESD!

Turning a Negative into a Positive-Using the Power of ESD!

Turning a Negative into a Positive-Using the Power of ESD!  ElectroStaticDischarge (ESD) is a common concern in the realm of electronics, often associated with potential damage to sensitive devices or safety hazards like fires and explosions.  However, with innovative solutions like metalized textiles, we can mitigate the risks associated with ESD and even turn it into a valuable resource.  Metalized Textiles, woven or coated with metallic fibers or coatings, offer a unique approach to...
Conductive Metalized Textiles in Medicine!

Conductive Metalized Textiles in Medicine!

Conductive Metalized Textiles in Medicine!  In the ever-changing world of healthcare technology, conductive metalized textiles stand out for their versatility and promise going forward.  These cutting-edge materials, infused with metallic elements, are revolutionizing the medical field in many ways.  One of the most remarkable applications of conductive metalized textiles is in wearable medical devices.  These textiles can seamlessly integrate into garments, allowing for continuous monitoring of vital signs such as heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature. 
RF Shielded Enclosures for Optimum EMC!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-many Benefits!  While this testing doesn't replace the need for final compliance testing, it offers several benefits: Early Identification of Issues-Helps to identify and address EMC issues early in product development cycle, allowing for mitigation and optimization before final compliance testing. Cost savings-Correcting EMC issues before final testing is generally less expensive than correcting after a Final Compliance failure.  Corrections are less expensive the earlier that they're made during product development. Faster Time-to-Market-Early detection and...
Shieldex Madeira HC Thread

Conductive Threads and Yarns-many uses!

Conductive Threads and Yarns-many uses!  Conductive threads and yarns are made by incorporating metals or alloys into the threads and yarn.  Conductivity enables these threads and yarns to carry electric current.  This capability essentially makes them into textile wires, making them useful in many applications.  Some of the major uses of conductive threads and yarns include: Electronic Textiles (E-textiles)-Conductive Threads and Yarns are useful in creating fabrics with embedded electronic components.  These may include garments with built-in...
Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!

Pre-Compliance EMC Testing-Benefits Abound!  in product development, ensuring that electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is crucial.  EMC testing assesses the product's ability to function correctly without emitting harmful electromagnetic interference (EMI). without being affected by external electromagnetic fields.  Incorporating Pre-Compliance EMC early and often during development can yield significant benefits, transforming potential roadblocks into opportunities for innovation and efficiency.  Pre-Compliance EMC testing identifies potential EMC issues early in the development cycle.  By detecting problems early, engineers...
Innovating EMC Testing-Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures!

Innovating EMC Testing-Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures!

Innovating EMC Testing, Inflatable Frames for RF Shielded Enclosures.  In the realm of EMC testing where precision is paramount, inflatable frames for RF Shielded Enclosures are emerging as game-changers.  These structures, utilizing flexible, airtight materials, are revolutionizing testing environments with their scalability and portability.  Created using durable materials and reinforced with strong fibers, inflatable frames provide the skeleton for RF Shielded enclosures.  The frame supports RF Shielded Enclosures fabricated incorporating conductive fabrics containing copper...
Who uses RF Shielded Garments?

Who uses RF Shielded Garments?

Who uses RF Shielded Garments?  The answer to this question is individuals and industries seeking protection from electromagnetic radiation.  Here's a glimpse into the spectrum of users: Healthcare Professionals: In medical settings, healthcare workers and patients wear RF Shielded garments during diagnostic procedures like MRI scans.  These garments prevent electromagnetic interference with the device, ensuring accurate image results. Military and Defense Personnel:  Military operatives rely on RF Shielded clothing to avoid enemy surveillance and electronic warfare tactics. These...